As soon as he had emerged over the hill, he had instantly wished that he hadn’t.

Standing over a dead Tusken Raider was a huge and ugly krayt dragon. And it had already started looking hungrily at Luke.

Luke had made a run for it. He really had. But he never really expected to outrun a krayt dragon. The thing had him beaten within twenty yards.

The dragon clawed Luke to the ground and had him bleeding like hell. Luke had been crying out loud for someone to help him. All that he had wanted to do was go home.

And suddenly, there had been the feeling of his ears popping, and there was no krayt dragon in front of him. He sat up wearily, holding his bleeding head in his hands, and looked around.

Somehow, he had appeared back at the moisture farm. But that wasn’t the only surprise he found.

As he continued to hold his head, he felt the skin begin to knit back up and heal.

When his aunt came up to check on him, she asked him where he had been for the beginning of the day. When Luke replied that he had encountered a krayt dragon and had been bleeding badly, his aunt had seriously considered bringing him to a doctor.

After that, Luke had been practicing his ice control, teleporting, and healing powers. He never planned on using them against his friends.

Unless they really wanted him to. Then, whenever they called him "Wormie" again, they were going to get a huge blast of ice in their faces.


Alderaan, 9 Years Before the Battle of Yavin

Leia Organa had always known she was different.

When she was on a field trip to one of the islands of Alderaan with her school after her tenth birthday, she realized just how different she was.

She had woken up to find that everything in her room was floating in the air, almost towards the ceiling. When she had screamed out loud for her father, everything had crashed to the ground, several fragile things breaking in the process.

She had sat down on the starship flying to one of her favorite islands for a school field trip when one of the school bullies had come up to her. Leia had tried to ignore him like she had every day, but suddenly he had reached out and grasped her around the neck, threatening that he wouldn’t let go unless she gave him her bag. Leia had reached up, trying to get his hand off of her when suddenly the veins on the bully’s body began to bulge.

Confused, Leia loosened her grip, and started screaming when the bully began making gurgling noises. He dropped to the ground, twitching. Leia kept screaming, holding on to her neck when her best friend Winter had come running up to her, trying to hug her.

"Don’t touch me!" Leia screamed at her, running off of the ship.

She knew she had to get out of there, but she didn’t know how. As soon as she emerged on the beach, she started wishing that the one power she had was teleporting. However, soon after she started wishing, she felt a searing pain in her back. She gasped when suddenly she felt feathers brush by her face. She twisted to look over her shoulder to see long, white wings fanning the air behind her.

Leia smiled in relief. At least she had a way home.

After that, she had started training to control her mutations. However, she never used her roguish stealing mutation unless she really had to.

Which was just about never.


Dathomir, 6 Years Before the Battle of Yavin

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