Chapter 15

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Calum drove me home and walked me up to my door. He kissed me and I wished it had lasted longer than it did. He waited till I went in and then drove away.

The door clicked shut and I slid down to the floor. I hugged my knees. I told myself I wouldn't be afraid. I told myself I trusted him. But the truth was... I was scared. So scared.

Just being around him made my stomach flip and not in the good way. I dragged myself over to the couch and flopped down. I shut my eyes planing on only resting for a second but I ended up falling asleep.

I walked over to Calum's house. He said he had a surprise for me and I rushed over immediately.

I knocked on the door waiting a few seconds before he finally opened it and I was greeted by his smiling face. He pulled me in for a hug and I immediately hug him back. He pulls me inside. He shuts the door and turns around.

He stalks over towards me. I walk backwards and my legs hit the couch and I fall. He punches my side and I cry out. I fall to the floor as he kicks my side again and again.

He stops and I clutch my sides. I look up and I see he pulls out a gun. I slowly try to back away but my sides scream at me.

He points it at me and I hear a click and it fires.

I screamed out. As loud and long as I can. Aly and Terra fly in the room.

"Dalila!?" Terra screams. They both rush over and embrace me. I hug them back while crying so hard I have a headache.

I can still hear the shot and the look on his face. His eyes. Usually captivating in every way scared me. They were dark and he looked like he wanted to murder me.

And that's exactly what he did.

I shake uncontrollably. My head spins and I feel so scared. More scared than I've ever been in my entire life. I pull away and brush away my tears.

"Do you want to talk?" Aly asks and I nod.

"I haven't told you guys this yet but remember that one day I went out and then the rest of the night I ignored everybody?" They both nod so I continue.

"Well I visited Calum and we got into an argument and he hit me." I say and the tears almost spill over again.

"What?!" They scream and I try to calm them down.

"I know he didn't mean it. He was upset." I say but they don't look convinced. I sigh.

"I had a dream that he was beating me and he had a gun. H-he sh-shot me-e." I hiccup out and they pull me in again.

"Dalila! Why didn't you tell us?" Terra asks when we finally all pull away.

"I was scared too." I say and they sigh.

"No matter what you can tell us anything okay?" Aly says and pulls me in again. I nod and hug her back.

"We'll let you get back to rest okay?" Terra says and I nod. They both hesitantly walk out of the room.

I pulled the covers over my head already knowing I wouldn't be able to sleep at all.

I closed my eyes and all I saw were his eyes. Murderous. Vengeful.


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