hey guys

2.9K 46 8

so this story's going pretty well (i think) and it's just getting to the good part and we're all happy and excited right!!!

so you're gonna hate me cos i won't be updating for a while:-)

like two weeks tops. i just wanna finish school for the year and i have loads of projects and i have finals coming up so yeah.

plus wouldnt the suspense make it more exciting ;)

anyway i love u all thank u for supporting this story, i honestly didnt think it would even reach 1k reads.

in the meantime, u guys keep voting and stuff and maybe even share it cos it would be a nice christmas gift to me! (haha)

if u have any questions (or even requests? lol that would b cool) or any comments i would love to hear them

good bye for now frens

stay alive |-/

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