chptr 3

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"So who's the mystery girl?" Michael asked Calum, wiggling his eyebrows which caused his eyebrow piercing to dance.

Calum threw a grape at him. "Nobody. Jesus, Luke, what'd you tell them?"

The blonde boy shrugged. "I told them what I saw."

The three of them were all sitting in the school cafeteria, half-eating, half-teasing Calum for being the newest loverboy of the group. Calum felt annoyed as hell. These were one of those times he loathed the fact that Luke was his roommate. Michael and Luke exchanged glances and burst into laughter as Ashton slid in next to Calum, completing their quartet.

"What's all this laughing about?" Ashton asked, unable to control the smile breaking out of his face. He picked up a french fry from Calum's tray.

"Calum being pissy and secretive," Michael supplied.

"Calum on his time of the month," Luke offered.

"Calum about to shove his foot up your asses," Calum spat out with a death glare, only half-joking. He threw a french fry at Michael, which hit his nose and left a small spot of ketchup.

The pale boy picked the french fry off his lap and popped it into his mouth, unfazed. He smiled sweetly at Calum, who flipped him off. Luke chuckled and launched into a conversation with Ashton, filling him in on the events that transpired this morning.

Calum felt his front pocket buzz. Unlocking his phone, he saw that The Girl had texted him again.

from: unknown number
wanna hear a joke

from: unknown number
what kind of bird gets sent to jail

from: unknown number
an ill-eagle

Calum allowed a grin to break out, even if he didn't really get the joke (why the fuck would a sick eagle get sent to jail?). He didn't even notice that all of the boys had stopped mid-conversation and was staring at him. His phone buzzed again.

from: unknown number
im so funny kh my god i cant stop layghing at my own joke

from: unknown number
wait do u get it

from: unknown number
ill-eagle = illegal

Oh. Now he got it. Okay. He had to admit that it was pretty funny. He didn't even know that a chuckle had managed to escape his lips until Michael swore loudly.

"Holy shit." He widened his eyes exaggeratedly and ran his fingers through his bleached blond hair. "Does Calum Hood a girl?" He fake-gasped, and the other two boys joined him on it, crying ridiculous things like "Good heavens!" and "The apocalypse is upon us!"

Calum simply frowned at them and wished he had a butter knife so he could stab these motherfuckers in the eyes. "Sometimes, I don't even know why the fuck I hang out with you." He put his phone away. "And what the fuck do you mean by me liking a girl? What the hell's up with that?"

"The last girl you genuinely liked was your sophomore girlfriend, and that was two years ago," Ashton replied simply, rolling his eyes. "Now all you do is screw girls and never call them back."

Calum narrowed his eyes at him. He was right, but he'd rather drop dead than admit that. He crossed his arms. "You make me sound like the devil."

"But you are," Luke replied absent-mindedly, which caused the other two to laugh.

Suddenly Calum's phone vibrated again, and he quickly checked the new message while the rest weren't looking.

from: unknown number
my friends are so fucking annoying i swear to god

Calum blinked once in disbelief. He sighed and put it away, almost replying Mine too.

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