Chapter 24- Secret Messages and Sweet Moments

Start from the beginning

“Can’t we just stop somewhere on the way back?”

“Yeah I don’t want to wait! I am starving!” Jack said as we loaded into the car.

“I think Dad wants to have dinner with us though…but maybe if you two call him and ask he will change his mind. Put it on speaker,” I prompted them, as I handed my phone to Tommy and drove back to McClellanville.

“OK!” Jack said excitedly. They dialed and we waited patiently for my dad to pick up.

“Hello?” I heard my dad answer.

“Dad? It’s Tommy. We were wondering if we could stop somewhere on the way home to eat.”

“What? You guys don’t want to have me cook?” my dad joked.

“Nah we want something better!” I joked and heard his laugh come through the speakers.

“Alright! You guys can go wherever you wish. Just make sure you bring me something home!”

“OK! We will!” Tommy said.

We all said goodbye and then I turned to ask the boys where they wanted to go when I stopped at a stop light.

“Can we go to that place we went to when we first got here?” Tommy asked me.

“The one with good dessert?” Jack asked his brother.

“Yeah! You know which one I mean right Evan?”

“The Lobster Shack?”


“That’s it!”

“We didn’t have dessert there though,” I said, confused.

“Oh! Right! You went off with Maria! We had chocolate cake!”

“I missed out on chocolate cake?!” I said, like I couldn’t believe it.

“Yeah and it was the best chocolate cake I had ever tasted!”

“Even better than mom’s?” I asked, without even thinking of all the memories it would bring back.

Every year for my birthday, my mom would make me her special chocolate cake. It was one of those cakes with whipped cream icing on top and in between the layers. She would make three layers and each one was a different kind of chocolate. The bottom one was dark chocolate cake, the middle was a sweeter chocolate, and the top layer was a white chocolate cake that I never understood how she made, because nowhere have I ever seen white chocolate cake batter.

I wonder if anyone knows how to make that cake. She swore she would never tell anyone the recipe, so I guess it’s possible it is lost forever.

“No, hers was definitely the best!” Tommy told me and Jack nodded his head in agreement. I agreed too and we were silent when we parked outside the lobster shack.

“Alright, well even without the cake, this place had some pretty good lobster. Let’s head on in and eat!” I said and together my brothers and I walked through the entrance way.

We were seated pretty quickly and ordered our food within 10 minutes. Tommy and Jack played games with each other on the table since the table cloths were giant sheets of paper and the restaurant provided crayons at each table.

This gave me time to look around the room. I noticed how you could tell the difference between the locals and the vacationers. The locals were way more relaxed and generally weren’t sun burnt. The vacationers on the other hand were talking nonstop and looking around at every detail of the place. They often had little kids with them and talked like they were from New York or Chicago.

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