The Man Of My Dreams!: Ch 4

Start from the beginning

"i get that your vampires but how does that have anything to do with me. why am i in danger?"

josh looked at me like i wanted to scowl  i was stupid.but i knew that wouldn't help out wight now. he sighed 

"this idiot staring out the window is a prince. as in royalty. and he was engaged but he stood up his fiance on the day of their wedding." he started walking around, he looked anxious "and now everyone from his fiance's family and their loyal subject want dem. dead."  he came to stand right in front of me and looked me in the eyes "and all this happened because hes in love with you and decided he would rather marry for love than convenience"

i was shoked. he was a prince, and in love with me. a prince loved me. wow i never thought something like this could ever happen.

"oh my gosh, i get it now. someone has been stalking me. does that mean he wants to kill me"

demitri suddenly turned around. and in less than a second he was in front of me "what, why haven't you told me anything. why haven't i heard of this"

i stared at him "ha ha your funny you keep a giant secrete about you yet you expect me to tell you everything. right. anyways Ive only seen this guy twice. here at school and outside my window. last night" i smiled trying to lighten things up.

he let out a sigh, but i could tell demitri was mad. "what the hell. since when have you seen this person."

i looked at josh. he was staring off into space, thinking. i looked up at demitri "only since yesterday. why?"

he sighed "Ive only been here since Saturday and they found me already"

josh laughed "no shit Sherlock. you've been saying you were going to Mary this lady over here, since you were like eleven. of course everyone would come to her as soon as they found out you left. you know these things should be kept a secrete"

demitri sighed "oh yea. my bad"

i looked up at him "you want to marry me?" i looked down knowing i was about to blush. then instantly looked up and noticed demitri looked slightly red as well. 

he was looking outside the window again "um well yea"

josh sighed. "you've been her for almost a week and you haven't told her anything. UGH. ok miss..."

"my name is vianna"

he started again "ok Vianna i am going to explain this as easily as possible. every vampire has a soul mate, as soon as they find them they now. now its up to the vampire to decide what they want to do with this certain knowledge. many marry their soul mates, others choose to ignore them. it all depends on the vampire. mr. pansy over here knew you were his soul mate ever since the first time he saw you. and hes loved you ever since" 

josh sighed "im sure that clears up a lot."

i looked up at demitri, I'm sure i would of loved to hear all this from him, but hey, you take what you cant get. i sighed "ok i get it, um can i go home"

demitri looked at me, at little disappointed. i guess he didn't like my response to this little confession. i smiled at him, trying to reassure him.

josh sighed "yup, shes a keeper. well i can go home with you. then ill come back here so you and i can talk dem."

deimitri looked up " i would feel more comfortable if you could come to my house V. cant you ask your parents."

i looked up at him, sure my parents probably wouldn't even notice. i sighed, i kinda do want to see where Demitri lives. i smile up at him "let me ask my mom."

i walk over to the door and open the door so that i can step out but i suddenly see someone. the person looks just like the person who was outside my window. i close the door and lean against the door trying to calm myself down.

demitri comes to me, "V are you ok."

i nod. "yea i just thought i saw the man from yesterday outside the classroom"

demitri hit the door with a lot of force, "what!" he then opens the door and steps out, i step out with him but no one is there anymore

"hmm strange, he was here a second ago" i look out into the hallways, its empty.

i walk back into the classroom and take out my phone to call my mom. but before i push send i think about what im going to tell her. what am i going to say 'hey mom some vampire guy is stalking me and want to kill me so im going to stay at my vampire lovers house so that he can protect me.' pshh, yea right. i decide to lie.


a couple of second later my mom answers. "hello"

"hey mom can i stay over at Lexie's house?"

she sighs "sure"

i smile "oh and can i throw a party on Friday"

"yea sure, but ask your dad too, im going out on a trip on Friday so i wont be there"

i smile, i knew it "ok thanks bye"

i hang up and look up to find demitri and josh both staring at me. i smile. "what its not like i can say im staying at a guys house. although now that i thing about it, i dont think she would care"

they both look away. 

"ok well i think we should leave not, i get freaked out being at school so late."

demitri smiles "sure V lets go, we have a lot to talk about"

josh stops in front of demitri "i cant go home, can i stay at your place as well."

he smiles, "ok, but you look at V the wrong way and ill kick your ass."

they start arguing the whole way to Demitris car, and the ride to his house. honestly how old are they. i cant help but smile though, i feel so comfortable being near them. 


yay i finished another chapter :)

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