Wtf Did I Just Do?

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If this chapter makes you hate me I'm sorry! But we haven't had drama in this story for a while! Comment please! Tell me if this stories getting boring or if you like it! Anyways happy reading ( also sorry it isn't very long and that I don't update much) ~shay 🐢

Chapter 21

~wtf did I just do?~

Ali's P.O.V.

I stayed at Danny's that night after we sent my dad home. I couldn't sleep much because I was sure my dad was gonna take me away from Danny. I could never have happiness long before it was taken from me. No I wasn't aloud to be happy. My dad thought happiness only came to those who deserved it and I didn't deserve it at all. No no I didn't. For everything I've ever done to myself, I never deserved happiness. I don't deserve Danny or any of my friends. Which is why I already made up my mind. I don't want to hurt Danny, that's the last thing I ever want to do but I gotta do this. I have to or everyone will suffer and I'd rather suffer than anyone else. I slowly got up from the bed and looked down at Danny's angelic face and smiled. He was the most perfect thing that had ever happened to me and I hope he finds someone better than me because I know he can. I shook my head willing the tears to go away before stepping away from the bed and grabbing my duffel bag and throwing all my clothes into it. I cried as I moved myself around the room and gathered my things. By now I wasn't worried about being quiet, I just wanted to get out of here.

"Babe..." A groggy voice said but I didn't stop and continued crying and moving myself around the room.

"Babe... What the hell are you doing?" I heard the bed creak as he got up and followed me as I walked around.

"Hey, stop for a minute and tell me what the fuck you're doing." He grabbed my arm making me turn towards him.

"I can't do this." I whispered as my lips quivered.

"What do you mean?" He growled.

"I can't Danny. I gotta go I can't be here."

"Where the fuck you going?"

"With my dad I can't be here."

"Why not." He growled again this time I knew he was getting madder and madder.

"I don't deserve to be happy Danny!" I yelled and jerked my arm from him.

"What do you mean? Of course you do!"

"No Danny, no I don't."

"Out of everyone I think you deserve to be happy."

"But I don't, you don't understand." I mockingly chuckled before walking back around the room.

"I. Don't. Understand?" He gritted his teeth.

"No Danny you don't! You have no idea how hard this is for me! But I can't. I can't be here anymore, hopefully you'll understand."

"I don't understand Ali! Not at all!" I stopped moving around the room to look at him.

"It's hard to explain but all you gotta know is that I will always love you."

"It doesn't seem like you love me very much if you're leaving me!"

"I do Danny, I do! You just gotta understand I'm doing this to protect you and everyone I love."

"How are you protecting me if you're leaving?!"

"Listen, my father will beat you if I stay here. He's a drunkard who's very violent when he is drunk."

"And you think I can't protect you? Or me? Or us?" He said flailing his arms in the air.


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