Is Everything As Good As It Seems?

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Chapter 13

~Is everything as good as it seems?~

Dannys P.O.V.

We've been home for a week and my mom has made no effort to ask questions yet. Ali and I have been... Wait. Ali and I have been what? We kiss. She told me she had feelings for me. I told her I had feelings for her. We cuddle and watch movies. We eat nutella together (I actually share. Suprising right?). But we arent together. To be honest I dont understand why I havent asked yet. I want it to be special I guess. Ali had gone to the mall with bailey for some girl time. I was planing to go to pauls later until she got home. I was just sitting on my bed jamming out to music when there was a knock at the door.

"Come in" I called pulling my headphones out. The door slowly opened and my mom walked in. I scooted over so there was enough room for her to sit on my bed.


"Hi" she smiled.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Not exactly. I have some questions I really want you to think about and answer truthfully."

"......Ok?" I was a little concerned what this was about.

"Ok so um I noticed you and ali the other day, your hands..... Are you guys together?"

"No. Well not exactly."

"You havent asked her out?"


"Does she know how you feel?"

"She told me first, but yes she does. I told her at the hospital."

"Does she feel the same?"


"Then why havent you asked her out?"

"I honestly have no idea. I dont want it to be just blunt. I want her to remember it." She smiled.

"Do you love her? Or is this just one of your crushes? She was your best friend you know. What will happen between you two if you break up? I dont want you to get hurt."

I had to think about it. What if we did break up. My heart squeezed.

"Mom.... I love her. So much. I have for the last year since we went to the beach last year and I brought her because her dad was going to vegas for a pocker match that weekend. It was then. When I look at her I see an angel, not some ordinary girl you can walk on like every other guy shes dated. I used to talk to you about loving other girls, but I never did. I was trying to force myself to love someone so I could forget someone else. Truth is I was trying to forget my feelings for someone because I thought they would never go for me. Mom, now I have her. I love her, I promise." By the time I was done she had tears in the corners of her eyes and she was dabbing at them with a kleenex.

"I raised you well daniel and I love you" she laughed hugging me.

"I love you too mom" I chuckled. She slowly got up, still wiping her eyes. She smiled at me before walking out, softly closing the door behind her. I smiled to myself and put my headphones back in, my music now had a new meaning.

Baileys P.O.V.

"Dont lie!"

"Im not!"

"Yes he is!"

"Why ali? Why would a guy like that be staring at me?"

"Your sexy as fuck! Oh crap... Bad language."

"Shut up, no one likes me like that." I frowned. She just smirkes at me "I know someone."


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