What Are You Doing Here?

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Chapter 20

~what are you doing here?~

Danny's P.O.V.

"Danny it's cold." She stuttered. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her.

"Well that's what you get for jumping in the lake with barely any clothes on." I stated.

"Shut up" she slapped my chest "you liked it."

"Nobody said I didn't." I smiled.

"Can I have a piggy back?" She looked at me with her big green eyes, her curly hair extremely curly tonight (which I like... Alot).

"Fine." I chuckled and let go of her and crouched down low enough for her to get on. She jumped wrapping her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck.

"Your so sweet Danny. Nobody ever gives me piggy back rides. Not even bailey."

"Well I'm cooler than them, plus I'm your boyfriend and I must do what the lady wants."

"Danny!" She slapped my back lightly "you know very well that I don't force you to do anything."

"I know. If it makes you feel better your my only girlfriend that I've ever given a piggy back to. It's because your the most beautiful out of all them." I laughed starting to run the last distance down the street towards my house. She giggled and held on tighter and buried her head in my neck. These were the moments that I lived off of. These were the ones I cherished because who knew how long they were gonna last?

"I love you." I felt her whisper against my neck as I slowed down and then stopped letting her off and grabbed her hand pulling her up the front steps. I pulled her into me and kissed her quickly and suddenly and she giggled into it which made me pull away to laugh also.

"I love you too." Just as I said that the door suddenly swung open and standing there was my mom.

"Daniel!" She yelped at me. I stared at her in shock and jumped away from ali fearing that that was why she was yelling at me. I hadn't told her we were dating and it made me feel bad but I never had time to because she was always at work. I ran my hands through my hair and shook it nervously. I bit my lip and looked at my mother who was smiling.

"Mom, I didn't-"

"You should've told me you were dating this lovely girl." She chuckled. I looked at her in confusion and chuckled nervously at her weird change in expressions.

"Im sorry I didn't tell you sooner it's just you've been so busy with work and I didn't know-"

"If I'd approve of you guys dating because you've been friends so long." She finished, ushering us all inside and into the kitchen.

"Yea sorta." I mumbled grabbing a glass.

"Your silly! I've been waiting for you guys to date for 3 years now."

"What?" Ali asked.

"I knew Danny's had a crush on you this whole time, I knew by the look in your eyes you felt the same but didn't wanna let him know." Ali looked away blushing and I took my glass of water and sat next to her at the island and wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her closer to me. I kissed her hair and pulled her closer to me.

"Mom, don't pressure her. She has so much going on with the hospital and her parents being go-"

"Excuse me." She whispered as she wriggled out of my grasp and bolted up the stairs. My mom shot me a glance like "go after her" and I shot out of the seat and up the stairs after her. I knocked on the door and whispered "Ali" but I got no reply. I sighed and lightly twisted the nob and opened the door slightly and walked in. I lightly closed the door and went over to my bed where I heard her crying. It broke my heart because I had done this, I had made her cry. She was bundled up in the blankets so it was more of a muffled cry. I sat on the bed thinking forever about what to do. I slightly touched her back trying to soothe her but flinched when she jerked away from me.

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