Temptations Are Strong But Love Is Stronger

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Chapter 17

~Temptations are strong but love is stronger~

Danny's P.O.V

It was a going to be a normal day today. Or so I thought. I never thought that in two seconds everything could slip away from you like sand between your fingers. I never thought I'd have to go through this again. I never wanted to. You feel like your in slow motion. Nothing makes sense. I never wanted this to happen. I thought I could prevent it. It's something you can't describe. You feel helpless because your lost and don't know what to do. I was lost in a bunch of fog and nothing I would do would make it clear away. You know, I've always wanted you to be happy. More than I ever wanted myself to be happy because you deserve it and I don't. I'm a jerk and I should've done something! I could've stopped you! Some things happen for a reason. Most of the time we don't understand why bad things happen to us. It's sorta hard to understand how this all works out. It's so hard to think something good is gonna come out if it. But there will be. I've always felt helpless, but now I see your more helpless than me and I'm here to help you. That's what I'm here for! But I didn't do my job! It's my fault! It's always been my fault! I shouldn't - I shouldn't have let this happen. But when temptations are strong, love is stronger.


Danny Edge

Ali's P.O.V.

I never wanted to do this. I never did. I never wanted to wish this on him. Never. I never wanted to betray him and do this. Temptations are strong and words cut at you like pieces of glass. I wish I could get you to understand the feeling. It's so hard to go so long acting like things don't bother you. That your okay. I never wanted to show him the true monster I was. But I have to, because temptations are strong and I'm too weak to hold back. The words don't help as I scroll down the page. Slut,whore, ugly hoe, and bitch. Most of then from people at school, others from people who know Danny and I are "friends" because we aren't technically together yet. I read my mentions, few are nice but most of them are horrible.

"How could you possibly be friends with Danny? He probably goes home and throws up after being with you all day"

"Your a whore who's using Danny's friendship just because he's getting more famous."

"Your an ugly bitch."

I shouldn't let things hurt me. I shouldn't but I've always been weak. I've always been a monster and nothing could change that. I closed the lid shut. I just sat there and let the tears flow freely. They splashed off my face onto my shirt. I rubbed my now wet hands on my pants and got up from my bed. I went to my dresser and opened the first drawer and took out the shoebox. It was black. Plain black. I slid the lid of and dumped the one thing I had in it onto the bed. The shininess bounced onto my bed and I stared at it. I slid my hand up and wrapped my hand around the cold metal handle. I ran my fingers across it before pulling the blade out. I laid it on my left wrist and pressed down. Pain shot down my arm but it was relieving. I closed my eyes and swiftly swiped it across my arm and I gritted my teeth in pain. I opened my eyes to see blood running down my arm. This is the deepest cut I've ever made. I never made an effort to clean it up like I usually did. I just watched as the blood coated my arm. I deserved this. This is all I ever deserved.

Danny's P.O.V.

It was exactly 8:34 p.m. It was going to be one of worst times of my entire life soon. At exactly 8:36 p.m. I would feel like everything was falling apart from me. I wouldn't know what to do. Ali had gone up to her room saying she didn't feel well. I decided I would go check on her. I climbed the stairs unprepared for what I was going to see. I walked those stairs not knowing I was going to cry less than 20 seconds later. I stopped in front of her door not knowing what my eyes were going to witness. I threw open that door unprepared. I screamed. I screamed. I screamed. I screamed. Her name. I screamed her name. There she lay, blood ran down both arms. Both arms. She used to only cut one arm. One arm. She cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. She cut. Herself. My mind frozen. My body unable to move. She didn't look at me. She she she she she she she she she sheshesheshesheshesheshe. Black tears ran down her face. Her makeup streaked it black. She didn't look at me. Look at me. Look at me. Look at me. Look at me. Look at me! Look at me! LOOK AT ME! My brain couldn't function. Couldn't. Couldn't. Couldn't. I ran to her. I ran. I picked up her arm and the blood coated my hand. I wept. I brought her hand to my face and placed it in my cheek. The blood pressed a bloody handprint on my cheek. I wept into the bed. Why? Why? Why? WHY? She wouldn't look at me as the black tears ran down her face.

"WHY?" I hadn't realized I'd said anything.

"Danny...." She whispered and jerked her hand back. I looked up and saw the knife laying on her bed. Blood covered lots of the blade. I picked it up in my hands as the shook uncontrollably. I took the wrist I had usually used to wear my bracelets but I hadn't remembered to put them back on after getting out of the shower. I took it. I took it. I took it. I took it and pressed the blade into my wrist. Pain shot through me and I cried out. This is what it felt like to get your heart broken. I drew it across my wrist and brought blood. It trailed down my arm and I let it. I cried. I cried and took her arm again as she cried.

"Look." I whispered. She reluctantly looked at me. And screamed. She screamed. She cried. I did this to her. I did. Everything's my fault. It's always my fault.

"Danny no!" She cried.

"Look at me." I wept. She stared at me with her stained black teared cheeks.

"I did this for you. I don't ever want you to be alone. I want to know what you go through. This connects me to you. I love you."

"Danny, you don't see do you?"

I said nothing. Nothing.

"Im a monster. This is what monsters do. They drive people away. You won't love me in 20 years. This is the day you'll leave. And we were never really together. I'm like a book. You love it until its over then you don't care. The difference is you only sorta liked me, you never loved me. Your gonna leave. But, hey I should have warned you what a monster I was."

"A book?! You think I could just... Get rid of you? You think I could leave if I wanted to? You think I could stop loving you?! The second I saw you when I realized I loved you, I saw you like an angel. It felt like everything was ripped from me that day in the restaurant and you ran out. When you told me you cut and there were 7 cuts, that day I got 7 new rips in my heart. I could literally feel my heart rip in 7 places. Ever since that day I've felt like I was supposed to protect you! But I failed. You think your a monster? I've failed at everything but, I always thought I would be able to do this. I was wrong." I was wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. I. I. I. I was wrong.

"Danny, I don't want you to leave. I feel like you should because I don't want you to get hurt."

"That's already happened. But, it isn't your fault. It's the monsters who made you like this. They are the monsters. You, your an angel who doesn't realize how much you mean to people. If you left, I'd die. I don't mean literally but emotionally. I'm here. I'm here to show you how much you mean to me." I cried.

"Danny, I never realized anyone ever loved me like that. But, I do this" she raised her arms "because people make me feel worthless. Everyone except you. But sometimes they are stronger than your love and especially when you aren't here to help me, it's hard to push that away." She wiped her tears away, getting blood on her face. I got up and went and kneeled right beside the bed where she was. I took her arm and laid the bloody part of it on my wrist. Our blood mixed.

"We are bound to eachother. I'll always be yours. Ali, I can't stand it any longer." She looked up at me, her green orbs twinkling.

"What she whispered."

" I can't stand another second without you. I don't want to go through this again. Please, be mine?"

"Danny, why me?"

"I've always loved you. I'll always love you. I only want you to say yes of you'll always love me too."


I'm really sorry it was short! You'll find out what she said next week on glee. Anyways, thank you if you read my story and if you like it please recommend it to others. :) please vote or comment or anything, thank you so much. Love you guys xx

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