Monsters Into Butterflys,

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*Monsters into Butterflies*

Chapter one


Baileys P.O.V.

I clutch my bookbag strap as the words come at me like knives. I keep my head down, staring at the ground as I walk home. I dont know why my parents say they'll eventually go away. They never do. Never. I used to be strong. Always ignoring the words. No matter how hard you try, they always kick you walls down. Your not strong for long and eventually your broken beyond repair. I stopped being strong long ago. Always playing like the words didnt hurt me. But in reality they feel like laying in a bathtub full of glass. They follow me as I walk home. Spitting words of fire at me.

"You stupid slut your parents dont love you. Your probably adopted".

"Your so ugly nobody wants to be your friend".

"You should just go die. Its not like anyone would care anyway!"

They laugh and shove me around. They soon surround me in a circle with no way to excape. One tall kid with shaggy black hair and blue eyes filled with evil stepped in front of me.

"Your ugly so we decided we found a way to make you look better" he said with a toothy horrid grin. I felt a sharp pain and wrapped my arms around my head as they came again. 1,2,3,4,5 times before I finally crumpled to the ground clutching my head. I thought they would stop now, but they didnt. They kicked me. All their feet kicked me as I layed there in a ball holding my head.

It felt like it went on forever before it stopped. But I didnt move. I couldnt move.

"You look better now b*tch".

They laughed as they decended down the road. My body hurt. No it was on fire. I slowly started to unclench my legs as I cried out. I slowly crawled to a tree, clawing at it so I could lift my self up. I screamed as I hoisted myself up. Every inch of my body ached. I. Am. A. Monster. What would my friends back home think? You. Are. A. Monster. They are my only friends. They were ever my only friends. Now I am a monster. The would run if they could see me now. They would eventually see the monster I have become. I should have been stronger! I SHOULDNT HAVE LET THEM CONTROL ME! Now look at me im a monster. Im stumbling down the street. Im almost home. 3 blocks. 2 blocks. I crumple to the ground as the pain in my head has become so strong. I dug my nails into the grass and pull myself across the lawn. Pain rockets through my body. The steps. I claw my way up the steps. I stop in front of the door and I cant pull myself up. I bang on the door. I bang again louder this time. My mind is foggy and my eye sight blury. What is going on? I pound some more. Pain. Pounding. Then more pain. Fogginess. One pound. Darkness.


I open my eyes. I see the living-room ceiling. I try to sit up but a thousands of pieces of glass are lodged into my bones. Excrutiating pain.

"Honey just sit still dont move" I think the voice came from mother.

"Here" she layed and ice pac in my head dulling my pain a little.


"Honey what exactly happened" my mother asked.

"Ive told you and told you that these bullys arent going away mom! They harass me everyday and you do nothing but say that they'll eventually go away! BUT THEY DONT MOM THEY DONT"! I was sobbing. My body shaking rapidly making pain rocket through my whole body. My mom gave me a concerned look and then walked out of the room.

"Im really sorry" my father said with sadness in his eyes. My mother walked back in with my cellphone.

"It keeps going off. Ali's been trying to reach you". Ali was one of my bestfriends back at home in maryland. She was the only one besides my parents that ive told about the bullying since ive been here. She was the only one who hasnt run away. But I still cant skype her. Not like this. Not looking like a monster. She was texting me asking if I was okay because I havent texted her in a while.

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