I Love You

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Chapter 7

~I love you~

Alis P.O.V.

I cried as I ran home. Why did I listen to him? Why did I tell him? Out of all the questions WHY DID I KISS HIM!!?? Everything is screwed up now. I cant do this. Cutting isnt going to do it anymore. I arrived home and like I expected no one was there. I was scared out of my mind but what else am im supposed to do? I cant live without danny! He was my everything and I lost him. I climbed the stairs and opened the bathroom door going for the cabinet.

"Here they are" I dragged out my moms pain killers and walked back downstairs to the kitchen. I opened the cabinet under the sink and got my dads vodka. I set it on the counter and opened the bottle and took a swig. It burned as it slid down but it dulled the pain a little. I dumped the pills onto the counter and took one after the other.

"I LOVE YOU DANNY EDGE!" I slurred as I threw the bottle on the floor. That was the last thing I remembered.

Dannys P.O.V.

I knew when she said she didnt want me to follow her something was wrong. I left 10 minutes after I let things settle in. She loved me just as much as I loved her. She kissed me and told things I have wanted to hear from her for so long. I was worried and I just wanted her to be okay. It seemed like I couldnt run to her house fast enough. It felt like I was running for 3 hours before I reached her house but in reality it was probably only 10 minutes. It looked the same as it always does. Emptly. Lonely. No one there. But there was something different about it. I had this bone chilling feeling as I walked in. As I checked the livingroom and saw she wasnt there and moved onto upstairs I started panicking. I have already checked her bathroom and parents bedroom. There were only 2 rooms left. Her room and the kitchen. They were my only hopes and I clung onto then with all I had. I slowly slid open her door and walked in. She wasnt here either. My hope slowly started to drain from me. I turned to leave but then a glimmer caught my eye. I walked over and picked it up. A knife. It had been laying by the wall like it had been thrown. I looked at it and suddenly realized it was the knife she used to cut herself. Tears welled in my eyes and I set it on her dresser and walked out before I did something stupid. I climbed down the stairs slowly and braced my self as I entered the kitchen. There was glass everywhere and my heart sped up. I rounded the corner and my heart lept into my throat. There she lied on the floor motionless. I saw an empty pain killer bottle laying on the counter. She tried to kill herslef. Maybe she did kill herself. I suddenly remembered how to move and I rushed to her side pulling her head into my lap. Her beautiful green eyes hidden behind her eyelids. Tears slowly slid down my cheeks as I realized the girl I have loved could be dead. I took out my phone and quickly dialed a number.


"P-p-paul where are y-y-you?" I asked.

"Im at Baileys. Danny whats wrong?"

"C-come quick alis hurt. Call an ambulance."

"Ah okay ill be there soon. Bye danny". I hung up and seconds later I just lost it. I sobbed as I strocked her hair and her face.

"Itll be okay. Once you wake up ill tell you how much I love you."

Salty wet tears slid down my face and into hers.


"Sir were you there when she passed out?"


"Were you there when she tried t-"

"I told you already that I went to her house to look for her and saw her lying on the floor passed out!"

"Okay thank you sir". The paramedic walked away and I went and sat in the sidewalk. The bright flashing lights shinning in my face. I sat there with my head in my hands as I had tears slip down my face for the 4th time that day.

"Hey danny how you doing" paul sat beside me.

"Not good. What if shes dead" I lifted my head up staring at him.

"She isnt. Do you like her?"

"Haha do I like her? I freaking love her! Now she might be dead! Its all my fault."

"Danny shes not dead and it isnt your fault."

"Yes it is if I had told her my feelings sooner she wouldnt have went and tried to kill herself!"

"Danny its probably with all thats been happening lately."

I just shook my head. "Wheres bailey?"

"She went to go tell your mom and mine."

"Oh. You like her?"

"No. Idk. Shes my friend."

"Yeah well Alis my friend."

"I dont really know. Ill tell you if I find out."

We were silent for a while before a paramedic came to us.

"We need to go to the hospital immediatly."

"Let me go with her."

"Im sorry sir we cant."

"But I want to go!"

"Your not family."

"I. Want. To. Go."


"I WANT TO GO WITH HER!" Paul put his hands on my shoulders to try and calm me down.

"Woah danny its okay. We'll go together."

I watched as the EMS pulled away, its flashing lights and siren going as it sped down the street.

I cried all the way to the hospital.

Im sorry if this sucked but thank you for reading if you do! <3 Im also sorry for any mistakes I write this on my phone! Anyways sorry it was kinda short and ill put pauls P.O.V. Once everything dies down. Anyways thank you! :)

Monsters Into ButterfliesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora