Do You Love Me As Much As I Love You?

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Chapter 11

~Do you love me as much as I love you?~

Dannys P.O.V.

I woke up to another body pressed up against mine. I smiled and opened my eyes only to see another mob of brown curls. Her hands were secured around my waist and her head buried in my chest. I slowly shifted, trying not to wake her up. I also shifted her so she had her head on top of my head. I peered over the bed and saw paul laying on the cold floor. I was wondering where his jacket was until I saw bailey was using as a pillow. I felt bad for him. He sure is going to have back pains when he wakes up. Paul has always been a kind guy. He would always give up something so the other person would be happy. He was always happy if you were happy. I smiled and turned back to the tv that had been on since last night. Now some weird show was on that I didnt know the name of. I probably switched the channel a hundred times before just picking one and leaving it there. I thought of things to do until they woke up. I couldnt really think of anything so I just sat there counting ceiling tiles. I suddenly remembered I had my ipod! I dug it out of my pocket and pushed my headphones in. I pressed shuffle and a whole different world swirled around in my head.


A pain shot through my arm as my eyes shot open. Pulling my headphones out another pain went through my arm making me wince. I look over at ali to see her fast alseep but jolting around in her sleep. Her arms were flailing around everywhere and she was crying violently.

"No! Dont hurt me! Stop! Nooo!" She was crying. Panicking, I took her arms and pressed them down so they werent flailing anymore.

"Ali wake up. Please babe wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" Tears stung my eyes, trying to break free. I hated seeing her hurt and suffering. I bent down and kissed her screams away. Her eyes slowly fluttered open, tears still rolled down her face.

"Danny! Danny!" She gripped my shirt and cried into it as i pulled her into my lap. I slowly rocked us back and forth as she just cried and i strocked her hair.

"Ali... Everything will be okay. I promise. I wont let anyone hurt you. Ever. Okay?"

She nodded slowly as she wasnt crying anymore but her body was shaking.

"My dad. He he was at my house. In my dream. It was right after i got out of here" she stuttered "I was alone as i went home. I dont know why i went to my house but i did and he was there." She had started crying again by now.

"He pushed me up against the wall and i couldnt excape. He bound my hands and feet and told me to be quiet. I had screamed and screamed and he told me i would pay for that and i just kept screaming. He taped my mouth shut and carried me up to my bedroom as i writhed around and howled into the tape. He laughed evily as he layed me on my bed and slowly untied my hands. I punched and kicked him but he took my hands and cuffed them to the bed. He did the same to my feet. After that he kissed all over my neck and whispered in my ear "ill do to you what i did to your mother" a-and th-en h-he he he-e" i stopped her as she was now bawling and i pulled her as close too me as possible. She bawled my shirt up in her hands and cried violently. I rested my head into the crook of her neck as i felt tears stream down my face and run down her neck. I kissed it trying to smooth her and it did a little. I rubbed her back and she started to calm down but she still clutched onto my shirt. I pulled away from her neck and took her head in my hands and wiped her tears away with my thumbs. I kissed her salty lips and by now she was done crying but she was shaking violently.

"I love you ali. More than anything i have ever loved or will love in my entire life. I will never, i mean NEVER let that happen to you. I love you so freaking much."

"Danny i freaking love you too."

Alis P.O.V.

I shook violently as danny held me as close to him as possible. He rocked me back and forth and i felt calm. I felt like his love enveloped me and surrounded me like a wall that could never be broken. I loved him. The only person i have ever really loved my entire life. Though images lurked in my brain. My fathers hands all over my body and kissing my neck. I shuddered and snuggled closer to danny even though i have no clue how thats possible. I pressed my lips into the fabric of his white t-shirt right over his heart. Kissing it I felt his heart beat under my lips.

"Danny......" I whispered so soft I wasnt sure if I really said it.

"Hmmm?" He mumbled resting his forehead on top of my head.

"Do you understand how much I love you? I cant express the feeling I have right now, being in your arms. I feel invincable, like no one could ever hurt me because your love is so strong. I dont want that feeling to go away. Ever. Ive waited so long to feel like this and I feel like any second thats all going to slip between my fingers like a grain of sand. If it did I would break and then there would be no fixing me then. Id be broken forever.That scares me more than ever. Life doesnt seem worth it without you being the center of it. Danny do you realize your the only reason I hadnt tried to kill myself before then. Your the reason im alive right now. I cant thank you enough. I never will. I just want to know if you love me like I love you?" He just sat there the entire time I talked rubbing my back. It was silent for a while and I looked up at danny. He was crying. Tears brimmed his eyes and they were red.

"Ive been in so many bad relationships that I started to believe that I would never love or find love again. I had been so upset and down that I started to be depressed. I started accepting the love I thought I diserved. In reality I dont deserve you. I cant express the feeling I feel knowing your mine. You saved me. I wouldve ended up doing something stupid and disappointing everyone. Thats what I dread. Disappointing the people who rely on me. My fans. They mean so much to me and I dont want to disappoint them. Paul. My bestfriend. Hes like brother and I dont think I tell him enough how much he means to me. My parents. The people who gave me life. I just want to be the son they always wanted. And you. I dont want to disappoint you by not showing you how much I love you enough. Im so sorry." He wept. He wept into my shoulder. Never in my entire life have I ever seen him so fragile. It broke my heart and soon I had tears streaming down my face too.

"Danny I had no idea..."

"Its okay" he sniffled "Im good at masking my emotions."

"Please talk to me if you ever feel like this again."

"I will. I more than promise you I will."

"Me too" I smiled.

"Oh god I love you" He smiled kissing my shoulder.

"I love you too."

I really like this chapter! I worked really hard on it so I hope you like it as much as I did! Please vote, comment, or whatever. Thank you guys so much! Love you xx

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