19 // You Get a Chastity Belt You Get a Chastity Belt! Everyone Gets a Belt!

Start from the beginning

     I turned my head with a longing look to the large house behind us, growing smaller and smaller with ever step that Reese had took. The glow from the windows was growing faint, and with the next house far off in the distance, trees and fields falling in between, the only light we had was the wink of stars above.

     I crossed my arms over my chest and took a deep breath of defeat. "All right, let me go."

     Reese paused, seemingly contemplating my words before he sighed and dropped me down. I took a moment to steady myself, my sense of gravity returning a couple seconds later than expected, and then turned to look at the boy. We both paused, and I could tell he was watching me with a careful eye. Both of us met the other's stare head on.

     "Fine!" I sighed, throwing my hands up air in surrender, and turned. "You win!"

     As I took a few steps forward, I took a deep breath, and then quickly turned on my heel. Just as I thought I'd created the perfect ruse to make for my perfect getaway, I was met with Reese, standing there looking the pinnacle of unimpressed with crossed arms and cocked brow.

     I groaned. "One time! Just one more punch in the face, and I promise, I promise I'll let it go!" I shook my index finger desperately, but Reese did not look convinced.

      He shook his head. "Nope, no, no way, I don't want to go back there which you means you definitely can't go back there."

      I gave him a look. "That's not... what? That's not logic. You don't have to go, I can go, and you can just not go. That's a thing that can happen, you know," I suggested, as I tried to wiggle my eyebrows in a way that I hoped would work.

     It did not work. Reese merely sighed and swung the backpack that he'd been wearing around his shoulders, which I guessed he'd swiped before he'd manhandled me out the door, and fished through it to find a full bottle of vodka.

     "Nope, what's going to happen is that we're going to go over into that field over there," he said, pointing the bottle towards the empty land next to us, "-and we're going to get really, really drunk. Because I need a drink after that, which means that you definitely need a drink after that."

     Despite the darkness of the night, I could still see that unwavering spark in his amber eyes, and huffed. Still, I kicked the road in anger, the adrenaline only now beginning to fade from my veins. While it wasn't exactly what I wanted to do, it wasn't as terrible as most of his ideas.

     "I'll drink your booze, but I want you to know that I won't be happy about it."

     Reese chuckled and pushed me farther along, following close behind me, probably wary that I was still trying to make a break for it.

      Which is how we ended up splayed across the grass, the two of us lying underneath the inky night sky and passing the bottle of vodka between us periodically. I could still feel the sticky residue of beer on my skin, and the faint breeze that rolled by caused my skin to prickle, but the burn of alcohol from inside was keeping me warm enough.

      "I smell like beer," I complained loudly, holding the bottle close to me.

     "As the person who carried you here, and who is also wet with beer, trust me, I know," he said, wiggling his fingers for the bottle to be passed back to him.

     I ignored him.  "And that's whose fault? I'm cold. Reese, fix this."

     Reese snorted at my childish demand, but still heaved himself up to a sitting position and began rummaging around in that backpack of his. I watched with my curiosity piqued, side-eyeing him as he held up a sweater, and only just catching it as he threw it in my direction.

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