Chapter Nineteen: I saved you

Start from the beginning

"I know. We all do. Well, I guess either way for me he is my brother and I love him no matter what but, he scares me. Someday he'll end this world and kill us all. I don't want anything to happen to any of you."

"What are the chances of getting natsu back?"



"Pretty slim... I'm sorry."

"Oh..." Lucy looks down at her hands.

"This is going to be a crazy question but, do you think you could ever love him?"

She starts crying softly, "no... I could never love anyone who can just kill people without any remorse. I could never love anyone who isn't natsu even if he looks like him."


"Does he feel human feelings?"

Zeref nods, "when he was little, he felt them alot. Sometimes it was overwhelming and he gets very unstable. Emotions for him are very powerful and then considering that he is a demon makes the feelings even worse. He was always fighting with himself, about what was right and wrong. He wanted to be a kid and go to school but, at the same time he wanted to end the world. He always acts so tough now but, I think he will reach his breaking point and something horrible might happen."

"Do you think he feels guilt for the ones he's killed then?"

"I don't actually know. He doesn't tell me much but, when we fought last night, something was different. Something I've never seen before. He was at a grave. The tombstone said Isabelle." He puts his hand on his chin, thinking.

"Do you know who that might be?"

"I don't. Maybe somebody he went to school with."

"Can you tell me about the school? I find it interesting." She smiles at him.

He smiles back, "sure, I don't know as much as E.N.D but, there was a teacher who cared about him deeply. She wanted to have a private meeting with me and alot of things changed that day."


Zeref was standing in front of the school. Natsu's teacher Miss. Kimura wanted to speak to him about his brother. He already walked natsu home.

Then she came out the door. Her black hair was so long, it was down to her knees. Her skin pale and she had huge purple eyes that burned into his. For some reason she looked familiar and he couldn't place it.

"Miss. Kimura?" Zeref says softly and calm.

"Mr. Dragneel," She smiles at him, "it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Same to you. What did you want to talk about?"

"Come take a walk with me," She starts walking down the sidewalk.

Zeref follows, "you had something to say about natsu."

"Well. I have some questions. I've been piecing things together. What are those marks on his body?"

He pauses for a second and stops were he is at, "what do you want?" He asks angrily.

"I'm assuming he's an etherious. I've done my research on the black wizard and his demons but, i never knew of one like Natsu."

Zeref was speechless.

"I really care about him. He's so smart, and learns things so fast and easy. It's hard to believe. What is he exactly?" Her expression was cold and serious.

"I'm not telling you anything."

"I'm not an enemy. I won't hurt him in anyway. I want to help him."

"Help him? What could he possibly need help with?" His eyes were starting to turn red.

"He's a little kid and a demon, it must be tough. Natsu seems to have a lot of things on his mind. When we did a project last week about what the kids wish for. He had an answer and do you know what that was?"


"His answer, his wish was humanity and freedom."

The dark Mage gasps, "what?"

"What is he too you?"

He clenched his fists, "he's my little brother."

The teacher looked sad, "who are you?" She asked kindly.

"I'm zeref..." He was shaking. Tears trying to break through.

"I was right," it was her time to gasp, "you can make that wish happen for him."

"I can't though. I'll little brothers dream won't come true. He's destined to destroy me. He's supposed to end the world. He can't run from it."

"We can try to make it happen. I can take him away. He can try to live a human life."

"No.... I can't have him leave.... even though I'm leaving soon. He needs to kill me. I can't live anymore. I've caused too much suffering."

"I can take care of him. Please, think of him. He's just a kid." She touches his hand but, he flinched away.

"Dont touch me.... I could kill you... I will kill you if you take him from me..." His hands grasp onto his hair. Tears falling on his boots and the ground around him. The grass starting to brown and wither.

"Just think about it. You don't have to answer now. I hope we meet again." She smiles and waves goodbye, leaving him alone.


"She wanted to take him? Like adopt him?" Lucy asks.

"Yes.... I almost let her so, he could be happy." Zeref tells her.

"I don't even know what to say."

"When she told me about his wish. It hurt so bad. He was a demon who wished to have a human life. He wished to be free from his fate. It's all my fault.... I don't regret bringing him back to life but, I shouldve..." His voice cracks and he starts to sob, "I shouldve done something else to bring him back.... so he wouldn't be unhappy... I'm so selfish... no wonder he hates me..."

"You need to talk to him."

"But, he doesn't want to."

"Just try...."

He nods nervously.

"I'm going to go back and hang with levi. I'll see you later." She gets on her feet, "and zeref, you're a good guild master, an amazing friend, and a loving brother. I just wanted you to know that." She smiles.

He watches her leave, her words repeating continuously through his mind. They gave him hope and courage.

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