Chapter Eighteen: all I want

Start from the beginning

"Awesome! We were planning on going out to the woods to play, do you want to tag along?"

Natsu nods and follows them, "what are your guys names?" He as the other two.

"I'm Raiden," the boy with brown hair says.

"And I'm Tatsuo," the other one says. He had red hair and freckles.

"So, where are you from?" Raiden wonders.

"I've actually been living in this town for a while. I was home schooled." He tells them.

"Oh, that makes sense. I can see why. What are those black marks anyhow?" Izumi's voice sounded cold and mean.

"I was reborn with them..." He answers defensivly.

"Reborn? What does that mean?" The kid snickers causing the other two to do the same.

E.N.D started to feel really uncomfortable all the sudden. This kids didn't seem nice to him and he was out in the woods with them, "I think I should probably go. My brother is probably wondering where I'm at." He starts to walk away.

"Did we say it was okay to leave yet?" Izumi asks.

"Well, no. I just though it was okay..." He turns to face them again, feeling nervous.

"It's not okay. We want you to stay. I find it funny that you have pink hair and those ugly markings. Everyone has been whispering about it. We think your some sort of demon, and they're just evil and gross creatures."

"They are?"

"Aren't they?" He asks the two boys next to him.

"They are." They answer.

"Oh..." Tears started to form around his eyes.

"Are you seriously crying? You aren't tough at all. Just a weak baby who probably got spoiled by his brother. You're really pathetic. You're just a little ugly demon!" The kids laugh booms throughout the forest.

Natsu was shaking, "please stop," Tears hit his shoes.

"Maybe we should beat him up a little, to see if he even has a tough bone in him!" Raiden says.

"I like that idea!" Izumi agrees.

"No... please stop.... I didn't do anything... no..." the demons voice cracks.

Izumi punches him in the stomach, causing natsu to fall to the ground. They start kicking him and punching him. E.N.D was frozen with fear and hurt. He couldn't people would do this. They kept hitting him for what felt like forever. He covered his face as he sobbed.
Eventually they left, leaving him there in the cold. He could taste blood in his mouth and it was getting dark out. Natsu lays there for a half hour and tries to stand. His legs were wobbly and he slowly makes his way home.

He sneaks into his bedroom when he gets back at the guild. Burying his hands in his hair, tears painfully fall down his face. Stinging the cuts that were there.

There was a knock on the door then, "master? Are you there?" It was Mard geer.

"Yeah, just leave me alone..."

"What's wrong?! Why do you sound like you've been crying?" He kicks open the door and runs to him, embracing his master, "who did that to you?!"

"What's going on here?" Zeref was at the doorway with a worried expression. Till he sees his little brothers face and torn up clothes. His eyes grow wide with anger, "what happened?" The black wizard pushes Mard Geer out of the way and sits next to him.

"Nothing.... don't worry about it...." Natsu responds, rubbing his eyes.

"Someone beat you up..."

The kid started to sob more and clutched to his brother, "They were so mean! They just kept hitting me.... why would they do that? They picked on me about my hair and my markings..."

Zeref holds natsu in his arms, "because, people are cruel... I'm so sorry. I shouldve walked you home. I shouldve been there to protect you." He was crying then, "Maybe you shouldn't go to school..."

Natsu pushes him off, "no, I still want to. I'll be fine. They won't do it again," His eyes turned the color of fire, "They touch me again and they'll pay. I can protect myself. Now.that I know how people really can be. All I want is to go to school and learn and make friends, and that's what I'm going to do."

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