Chapter 16

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Unedited :) *you might need to reread , bc I have been gone for months*

Lucky's POV

Dean was to be trusted, not completely but he showed true character during our meeting. We met in an underground cafe bar. Things were sketchy but nothing dangerous happened.

I am still left with little information about much of this situation but I know the basics. Once my art started getting more popular there were people who became more and more curious as to who the painter behind them was.

When I first moved to New York Anders was the first artist I met then of course, Cuff. Painting was something I was insecure about since day one. My mother was the one who made me take lessons but it came naturally to me. I could never be in the same room when someone looked at my paintings, I didn't like to see their faces when they took in my art whether it was a good or bad judgement. So, Anders helped me. He used his studio to hold the anonymous painters gallery where I would show case my paintings annually under the name Blue.

These became more and more popular and selling my art work became a year round thing for Anders and I. A lot of conspiracies about Anders came about and people associated with him began being interviewed about who Blue was.

Dean told me that groups in New York have been stalking his studio and tracking the shipments that enter the studio. Most of which are my shipments of paintings I have hand delivered to him so no one would see me just dropping off gigantic canvases at his studio. Dean was hired to find out more about me. There is about 20 other people who they believe to be Blue and he was just guessing because he has seen my face before. He assured me he would keep this information to himself. I almost punched him in the face when he told me he used to work for this group.

I have no clue how I am going to explain all of this to A.J. She doesn't deserve such bomb dropped on her at a time like this. We took this vacation to get away from the stress. Dean and I will be in contact very soon. Probably before we leave back for New York.

When I enter back in to the hotel room, it is well passed midnight. A.J is asleep, curled up in the bed her hair in a high bun and her skin glowing from the white moon light falling on it. I wanted to paint this vision of her right now. She is so inspirational to me.

After tripping over the scattered shopping bags and getting undressed I was able to clear my mind enough to get into bed with A.J. My head hurts from the heavy amount of stress building inside me. This is my career at stake and if some one finds out that I am Blue then I might not be able to bring myself to sell my paintings ever again.


The morning sun lit up the white hotel room. All the events from yesterday evening don't even come to mind at first but when I see Lucky's pale back I am reminded of them. Worry takes over my body as does concern but I can't bring myself to wake him.

Though I don't understand what is going to happen, I am sure Lucky is even more nervous about it then I am.

Softly, I place a kiss on his warm back.

"A.J?" He mumbles into his pillow.

"Yes?" I whisper back not sure if he is fully awake or just subconsciously talking.

He is quiet for a moment longer causing me to think that he is still asleep.

"The whole painting's nothing we have to worry about." His voice rumbled out from his pillow.

I guess this is a good thing? It's nothing to worry about, even though I don't fully understand it, I am going to let him handle it.

"Okay." I smile a little, glad that now we don't have to worry about these things while on vacation.

"Well." I sit up from the cozy bed. "It's our last day here, might as well get an early start and make the most of it."

Lucky groaned in response, I have never really seen him tired, he wakes up so early normally. Maybe he didn't sleep well last night.

He sits up slowly and we get dressed dancing and dodging around each other as we crowd the small bathroom. The streets we shadowy but something in the air brings warmth to my lungs every time I inhale. This city is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, it's like you're walking through a piece of art. You're presences adds to the interactive sculpture it is.

Lucky's eyes look more electric today, I can't help but stare as he brings the coffee drink to his rosy lips. It reminds me that we are now more then friends and I am allowed to kiss those lips anytime I want. The thought brings excitement through my chest and veins.

He glances at me from the corner of his eye. "What's wrong?" a smile tugs at his lips.

"I can kiss you whenever now." I say looking forward to hide my wide grin from him. I hear his chuckle.

"That's what you were thinking about?"

I nod, blushing.

"Cutie." He whispers teasingly.

"Come 'ere'." I say and wrap my arms around his neck. Standing on my tippy toes I plant a kiss on his lips. The sweet coffee taste on them waking up my senses.

"I don't wanna leave." I rest my head on his chest.

"Cuff misses us." He kisses the top on my head.

I giggle at his words but then I find my heart twitch with the thought of Cuff, I surprisingly miss him too.

"It's like he is our dog that we left at home." I laugh.

The afternoon's weather never gave in and the day felt like a hug from mother nature. We spent time at the markets and shops and ate like pigs. Italy had been good to us, packing up our bags and driving to the air port was a chore. My feet felt heavy as we walked through checkin and security. I had become attached to the amazing city. With out a doubt I would be coming back here.

The process was long, we still had a few minutes before we boarded the plane. I already felt the weight in my heart, I never wanted to leave.

You love New York. You worked hard to all your life to get there.

I told myself, gazing up at Lucky who seems to be equally lost in his own thoughts. A small smile tugs on the corner of his lips and I wonder what he is thinking about. Before I know it  our flight back home is boarding and we leave Italy hand and hand.


Holy crap!!! OKay so obviously I am so sorry that I literally disappeared forever, but school started and I wasn't able to keep up with updates, but I am back into a writing jist and I just wanted to say, THAT I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCh and this story has gotten so much support, I have been reading the comments and it broke my heart knowing that I wouldn't have time to update. But here we go Colorful hands is officially rebooted!! 

ILY xx. Scar

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2015 ⏰

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