Chapter 4

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I keep my head down, staring at my lap. I have only told my family about my ambissions of being a model and lets just say they did not support it. I am embarrassed that I just admitted it to Cuff and Lucky.

"How do you think your gonna become a rich, famous model in one day?" Cuff's words are like reality smacking me in the face. I clearly should not get my hopes up for something far out of reach for me.

"I don't...I don't want the fame." I say quietly

"pshh yeah okay."

Where has all my cofidence gone?

Oh yeah that's right. Back in Maryland probably drinking tea and watching netflix in my old room.

All I can do at this moment is sigh and hold back the tears.

"Hey. I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that. It's just a tough industry." Cuff says awkwardly repsonding to the way I reacted to his words.

"You would make an amazing model. Uhum...Cuff is a photographer actually he could probably ask around for other photographers that might need a model or something." Lucky say clearly also uncomfortable by the dumb 18 year old girl about to cry in his living room.

"Maybe." Cuff mumbles under his breath

"Yeah. I don't know...." I say, feeling anxious from this topic of converstaion.

"You have plenty of time A.J. You can stay with us for a few nights." Lucky speaks up again.

"Not with out rent money." Cuff quickly adds.

"I have some money..."I say, I have yet to transfer my college savings into my personal bank account since I obviously won't be going there in the near future.

"Good then its sorted you can bunk with us until you are...I dunno...stable?" Cuff says with annoyance laced in his words.

"I don't even know how to thank you guys." I glace at both of them.

"Rent money and daily blow jobs will be thank you enough." Cuff says putting his hand on my thigh.

"God Bless-" Lucky says rubbing his temples with his fingers "Why? Why would you say that?"

Cuff removes his hand but the smirk stays put on his face. God I feel so uncomfortable.

A second passes and Cuff gets up to take off his jacket. Lucky decides to set up the futon and I am now standing watching him. The mattress is already for sleeping in but it is 'owned' my Cuff as he is the original owner of this studio.

The question of sleeping arrengments dances in my mind. Is Lucky planning on sharing this futon with me? Do they sleep naked? Should I sleep naked? Can I put the toilet seat down or is it rusted up?

"So...yeah..I guess you can take the futon I can just sleep on a sleeping bag" Lucky says laying the last blanket on the futon.

"No it's fine really, this is your place, you take the futon." I look at him with a flustered face . Which aslo happens to be my signature facial expression.

"Don't be rediculous, I have slept on this floor so many times." Lucky responds shrugging his shoulders.

"That's reall not nesse-"

"Here's an idea geniouses, you both sleep on the futon!" Cuff yells from the bathroom. "Bloody hell." he says to himself a moment later.

"I'm fine with that." I say looking at Lucky and he nods. Yeah he clearly doesn't want to share the futon.

Cuff leaves the bathroom and I enter it with my toiletry bag and pajamas in hand. I feel weird as I set up some of my products on the top self. It's going to be hard to get used to this. I only have a younger sister and this whole dude thing is grossing me out.

Leaving the bathroom in sleep shorts and a loose tank top, I hear Lucky and Cuff laughing lightly at something when I enter the living space. Cuff rolls over on the mattress while Lucky looks up at me.

Oh me.

Oh my.

He sits on the edge of the futon with his beautiful body revealed in nothing but gray sweat pants. It's cool, I'm cool, this is chill.

I walk to the futon and sit down on the center of it wrapping a blacket around my self.

"Do you guys want to tell secrets and have a pillow fight?" Cuff jokes as he gives me a wink, making me involuntarily blush.

"It's not a slumber party." Lucky says laying back on the futon getting comfortable.

I smile softly when I notice how his feet dangle off the frame a little due to his height. I lay down too, remaining stiff because I feel like any sort of contact with Lucky would make it awkward.

I lift my head after a few minutes pass, both of my 'roommates' are fast asleep. Unfortunately, Cuff snores. It sounds like a chainsaw cutting a tree down, my god. But my thoughts on my future are what really keeps me awake. I need to plan this modeling shit out.


Author's Note:

Aight! Thats another chapter. Let me know what you think of the story so far. Thanks for reading! <3

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