Chapter 14

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Lucky's POV

I was scared to be alone with A.J in Italy.

"I don't need to know."

I don't think I could be a bigger idiot for saying that after she asked what our kiss meant, because right now, I want to know what it means more then ever.

I made my feelings for her clear when I took her out and then tried to kiss her while in bed, a prime example of how bad I am at making moves, but she has been confusing me like shit. Now, she is sleeping on my shoulder as we make our way closer and closer to the airport in Italy.

"Any trash?" The flight attendant asked and I lightly shook my head no, nervous that A.J would wake up.

"We will be landing shortly, please buckle your seat belts and make sure all carry ons are under the seat in front of you." The pilot said through the loud speaker.

Inevitably, A.J woke up wiping the small drip of drool off the corner of her mouth.

"Wow, that wasn't as long as I thought it would take." She said.

"Well, your perception of time tends to disappear when you sleep."

She shakes her head while smiling and turns to look out the window.

"What time is it in Italy?" She asked.

"Well, in Milan, it is a little after 7 pm." I told her.

"Thank god I am so tired."

"You just slept for hours, I am the one who should be tired."

But I guess she really was tired because she practically sleptwalked through the airport then dozed off in the taxi and I had to help her walk all the way to the hotel room and she landed right on the bed and fell asleep. I am actually very worried with how tired she is, maybe it was the affect the plane had on her. Who knows, but I didn't hesitate to take a nice long shower, that hotel room was huge it was probably bigger than the studio apartment back in New York.

The bed was equally large, and I was so excited to sleep on something other than the hard futon or the springy mattress. A.J and I did agree that we were cool with sharing a bed because we literally have been sharing the futon for weeks and it was cheaper.

"A.J can you please move over." I beg her, she is laying diagonally across the bed.

"I can't move." She mumbled into the mattress.

I huff out in frustration and grabbed her feet and pulled her to the other side of the bed. 

"Are you going to shower, or change, or brush your teeth?"I asked.

"Eventually." Was all she said.

I shrug her off and fall asleep on my own in the bed. 

Suddenly I wake up, I glance at the clock and it read 4:54 am.  The room is still pitch black and I hear someone in the bathroom, I assume it is A.J.  I couldn't help myself and I groggily walked to the seemingly blinding light coming from the bathroom.

"A.J?" I knock lightly on the partially open door.

"Come in." 

I walk in and take in the sight of A.J wrapped in a towel shaving her leg that is propped up on the edge of the bathtub.

"Why are you up so early?" I ask trying not to notice the towel that has rode up to her hip from exposing her leg. 

"I just woke up and was super energetic, I couldn't go back to sleep." I could tell that she had showered because of her wet hair. "Did I wake you?" She asked looking up at me.

Colorful Hands(Lucky Blue Smith)Where stories live. Discover now