Chapter 13

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Never in my life have I ever felt more pain in my head.  I haven't even opened my eyes yet and it feels as though my brain is pressed against my skull. 

Just by the cold feeling of the air coming in through the room, I know the window is open, I know I am not fully clothed, and I also know that I am hung over. 

I don't have to open my eyes to also realize that I am in bed with some one else, and it is not the boney boy that I have been sharing this futon with for the past weeks. I keep my eyes closed for a bit longer knowing that as soon as I open them I will be faced with the memories of last night and there will be no turning away from the after math.

With out moving a muscle in my body my eyelids creep open, they feel almost stuck together from my left over makeup I still had on them.  The tattooed body of my grunge roommate was the only thing in view.  The sight was simple and unexplainable, I only had underwear on and so did he, my bra was thrown on the floor and Cuff had little doodles drawn on him with sharpie. One on his shoulder blade that said "A.J" in a heart, done in the worst handwriting I have ever seen.  

I sat up feeling like my bones were creaking and the flow of blood moving through my head was amplified.  I was an idiot, I knew that I drank just to spite Lucky and this was the karma I get for being so dumb.  

Lucky.  He wasn't here, with out his presents I feel so lonely, even though Cuff is a mere 8 inches away from me. 

I decided that a bra was not necessary for today and put on one of Lucky's sweatshirts that was hanging on the nail hook on the wall.  He would probably not want me wearing it, but I have been feeling rebellious lately.  

Why do I feel so empty? The pain of the hangover in my head is incomparable to the pain I feel in my heart.  I am missing something.  I am missing home, missing friends, missing having a romantic relationship, as pathetic as it sounds. 

Lucky enters the door and I snap my head in his direction.  Tear brim in my eyes. What is wrong with me? Am I crying just from his mere presents, his mere existence?

"Whoa, what's wrong?" He rushes over to me and grabs my shoulders.

The contact warms me inside. "I don't know what is wrong with me Lucky." I say shaking my head and trying to turn away from him.  "I am so sorry for everything."

"What do you mean?" He whispers gently to me.

"Last night, I shouldn't have drank, I shouldn't have done...whatever it was I did with Cuff-"

"No, no. Stop. A.J," He pauses with his eyes searching my face. 

"I missed you." Is all I say. 

"I missed you too." He says, the corner of his lip twitching.

I am desperate, I am lonely, and I am weak. Lucky's breath fans my face and the sweet smell of coffee is laced in it.  "Please." I squeak out letting a few tears run down my face. "Kiss m-"

I couldn't even finish my sentence before Lucky's plump lips were pressed on to mine.  The was no thoughts going through my mind, when I closed my eyes I saw nothing but black, it was surreal, as though I was in a dream.  Reality flushed back into my vision when Lucky pulled away. I took in a large breathe finally remembering to breathe. 


"Shh." he hummed and he molded his lips to mine again.  This time it was softer and slower, I could feel it this time, I was aware.  For someone like me, someone who was so unknowledgeable about intimacy, who feared being touched by the wrong person, this was a kind of healing I wasn't used to. 

The first kiss we shared wasn't real.  It was lust it was...confusing, for both of us.  This was completely different, after this kiss, I felt as though our first one shouldn't even count as a kiss. 

"What does this mean?" I ask when silence followed the kiss. 

"I don't need to know." Lucky shrugs and backs away a little. 

"I have been feeling to lost, so isolated here." I admit to Lucky. 

"We should get away then." 

"What do you mean?"I ask.

"Let's go somewhere.  Get some fresh air, meet new people." He says cooly.

"Lucky, I am trying to create a career for myself."

He rolls his eyes a little. "Well, I need to travel.  I travel multiple times a year, A.J, You can't stay in this city forever and expect to suddenly feel at home."

"Where are you going to go?" I ask, I should have expected Lucky to be the traveling type, he seemed to always be gone and so did Cuff. 

"I saved up for tickets to go to Italy, I have only been there one other time, but something in me tells me to go back." he says walking over to the kitchen and I follow.

"What do you do there?"

"Umm...things." he says grabbing another cup of coffee from the coffee brewer.  "I think it would be good if you came too.  Traveling will cleanse you.  I know moving here probably felt more like an escape then it did a decision but going to Italy will...change that."

His words couldn't be more truthful. 

"I have some money." I say.

"So you will come?"

"Yeah, what the hell." I say smiling for the first time today.

"Great, plane leaves Friday at 4:30 in the morning, so prepare!" Lucky states loudly and Cuff moans from the futon but never actually wakes up.

This is the strangest morning, I woke up hung over and half naked with Cuff, then broke down and kissed Lucky and just agreed to go to Italy with the guy.

Speaking of, I need to pack, I need to shop, I need to learn some Italian. I start to panic a little when all these thoughts race into my head at once and the throbbing in my brain begins to pulse again. 

"Is that my sweatshirt you're wearing?"Lucky's angelic voice startles me and I blush in embarrassment when I notice that I am, in fact, only wearing his sweatshirt. 

"Y-yeah. Sorry I had nothing to put on when I woke up."

"Fits ya nicely." he says and roughly tugs the hood on my head making my messy hair fall forward on my face.  Lucky walks away chuckling.

"Lucky." I say and he turns around lifting his dark eyebrows.  "I am so glad I met you."


Author's Note:

Omg, I am so excited!!! Thank you all for reading, sorry it was kinda short.  Btw, if you are looking for a little more fun-loving book, you should read my "Who's your Daddy" fan fic **Not a daddy kink story**! Keep voting and commenting! 

xx. Scar <33 ;)

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