Chapter 12

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Lucky's POV

It is awkward situations like these that keep my awake at night.  I mean I know I didn't do anything wrong but the way A.J reacted to the picture made me feel like a creep for seeing it.  She was unclothed and  

I didn't know what to say to her, I mean the picture was sick. She looked absolutely stunning and Miles was able to capture a lot of her natural beauty.  

"What's happening in here?" Cuff loudly entered the apartment and A.J's face was tinting red while her eyes widely flicked between Cuff and I.

"Just chilling..." She said uncomfortably.

"She got her pictures from the shoot." I said, but immediately regretted it once I saw A.J's face of horror when I told Cuff.

"Yo, let me see." and he reached for her laptop.

"No!.....No, they....please." She tried pulling the laptop from Cuff's grasp.

"Cuff, please don't."

He lifted to laptop form her and quickly turned his back from her.

"Why? You don't me to see your tit-holy shit!" Cuff said laughing out loud with wide eyes when he opened the laptop.

"Stop!"A.J said with a look of pure terror. "Please stop."

I put my face in my hands.  Cuff is crossing many lines right now.

"Damn, Miles did good for once." Cuff said continuing to scroll through the file of pictures.

I wanted to see the rest of the pictures so badly but A.J looked like she could cry at any moment so I kept quiet.

"Cuff I didn't wan-"

"A.J for the love of god, I have seen nipples before." Cuff cut her off and A.J's face went even more crimson. Cuff smirked and faced the laptop towards me. "I like this one, yeah?"

The picture was of A.J was holding a clutch purse, again completely naked using the clutch to cover her...lady parts while her breast remained exposed.

My eyes almost launched from my skulls and I looked away from the picture quickly because A.J clearly didn't feel comfortable with us looking at her pictures in front of her.

"It's nice." I croak out.

"Can you please not do this in front of me." A.J begged and Cuff finally handed her back her laptop.

"A.J you look beautiful in every one. I have to say, Miles pulled through this one time." Cuff sat down next to me on the futon and A.J put away her laptop collecting her calm.

"You're welcome." Cuff snickered into my ear.

I scoff in reply, but my insides were swirling and my mind was still racing.

A.J sits down on the floor in front of us and holds a pillow in her lap. "Not all of them are like that. I have some nice outfits on in the other files." She says not looking up.

"How much did Miles pay you?" Cuff asked and I wanted to know just as much as he did.

"Only like $250."

Cuff laughed. "Can I pay you that much for you to strip for me?"

A.J stared at him with an unamused face. "I stood in my underwear in front of you for free."

What the hell? When did this happen?

"Umm...yeah, what was that?" I can't help but to ask.

Cuff smirked at me with a sly smile. "We did a few test shots." he shrugged.

Colorful Hands(Lucky Blue Smith)Where stories live. Discover now