Chapter 15

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"You need to tell me, right now, how that man knew you." 

"A.J I really don't know, he is crazy, he is insane." Lucky frantically says to me.

Where are we? Ah, I am glad you asked. We are currently in the back kitchen supply closet of the damn restaurant we are eating in. After that man approached Lucky and knew his full name, he fled from the situation and here we are now.

"Lucky, I swear to god, that if you don't tell me right now, I am going to walk out there and ask that man everything so he can tell me himself."

Lucky swallowed and is starting to get sweaty, though I am too because it is pretty hot in this closet.

"Please, you don't understand." he begged.

"Ze one who paints! "  I imitate the man from earlier. "What the fuck was that? You paint? How does he know you? Why was he saying that?"

"A.J listen, I have't told anyone this. Not even Cuff," he paused and breathes in. "I-I paint."

"So?" I say, I am surprised that he paints but that doesn't answer all my questions, in fact it only makes me have more.

"I paint, and I anonymously sell my pieces." 

Oh shit.

"So how does that explain how a fucking Italian man recognized you?" 

He sighs again. "I sell...a lot of paintings...under the name Blue." he pauses again. "I have no clue how that man knows who I am, how I paint, or even what I look like." 


"No, I am just as confused as you. I know this is a lot to take in right now, but you need to understand that we have to leave this restaurant with that man not thinking that I am Lucky Blue Smith."

I nod. This is all so unexpected, I feel like this is all a dream actually. He sells a lot of paintings? Then why the hell is he staying with Cuff in his tiny ass apartment?

"Okay let's head out there and try to persuade him, hopefully he left." Lucky says and then open the closet door.

But his hopes weren't enough, because when we came back out, the same guy was sitting at our table  taking a sip from my water. 

"Shit." Lucky mutters under his breath. "Sir? We need to pay our check and leave now."

"Lucky! Please..."

"Sir, I really am not this Lucky guy, my name is...umm...Gary." Lucky said to the dark haired man.

"No! I know it is you, I have your painting." 

"Who the fuck are you?" Lucky leans in really close to the man.

He looks frightened and backs away a little. "I am a fan. Your art is everywhere here."

"How do you know my name?" Lucky asks.

" me here tonight," He hands Lucky a little card from his pocket. "I will explain everything to you."

Lucky snatched the card from his hand and backs away. "We will be there."

"Buona. My name is Dean."  The Italian guy says shaking Lucky's hand and finally walks from the table.

"I am so fucked." Lucky runs a hand through his snowy hair.

I don't think that I have ever been so confused in my life, sure I now know that Lucky sells these super nice paintings to people all around the world, but that makes him even more mysterious then I thought he was when I had no clue where the hell he was and what he was doing.


"When are you supposed to meet this guy?" I ask Lucky when we return back to our hotel room.

"Some time in the night."

"You know I would love if you let me come so I can understand this better."

"I would rather you not come." He says taking off his jacket.

"Pleasee, it's not fair." I say wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Um it is fair, I don't know this guy and you could get hurt."

I rest my head on his chest. "I never saw this coming." 

"I didn't want you to find out, but I had no choice but to tell you. " I feel his voice vibrate through his chest. 

"Is everything going to be fine?" I ask looking up at him.

He waits a moment and kisses my lips unexpectedly. "Probably not."

"Did you just try to lighten the blow by kissing me?" 

"Absolutely not." He leans down and kisses me again. 

I pull away. "You just tried to again. " 

"No, I just really want to kiss you. "

This time when he leans down I allow him to kiss me and he wraps his arms around my hips. Things become more heated and he pushes his tongue passed my lips, the warm memory of kissing him floods my mine but I continue to kiss him passionately.

Slowly, I bring my hands to the bottom of his shirt and slide them under to run them over his stomach. He hums into my mouth and we pull away for a moment so I can pull his shirt over his head. No more than a second goes by and we are back in each other grasp with out lips connected. 

"Wait, wait, wait." Lucky backs away from me. "I can't do this."

"Do what?" I say annoyed. 

"What does this mean? Like, we are supposed to just be friends."

He is right, I rejected him, I pushed him away but then I asked him to kiss me. I can't keep doing this to him, I can't keep leading him on. 

"Lucky, I wan to be with you but I am scared."

"Scared of what?"

"All your secrets, my career, what happens to me if we brake up."

His eyes soften. "Please, just give me a try."

"I am afraid that it will end badly, and I can't have you out of my life."

"You won't lose me." He says. " Let New York try, let Milan try, but they will never swallow us whole."

I let out a chuckle as my heart flutters at his words. "I will give you a try." I breathe out to him.

He sighs in relief and comes back to me, to plant a long soft kiss on my lips. 

"I will tell you everything after I meet with this guy." He tells me. 

"I won't be long, but be waiting here for me when I get back. " he winks at me and leaves me alone in the hotel room. 


Author's Note:

Short chapter I know, but it is late and I just wanted to finish the restaurant scene. Thank you so much for reading! Please vote and comment!! Updates coming soon!! Also if there is something you don't understand yet about the story, I will try to get everything more cleared up in the next few chapters because we are just starting to learn all these things about Lucky....((also the Italian man, Dean, is being played by Dean Pelic, who is extremely hot sooo yeah ;))))

xx Scar ;) <333

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