Chapter 3

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Lucky is mumbling things under his breath as he struggles to push all of the canvases that spilled out of the closet. I sit here watching him with wide eyes, does he not want me to see them or something?

"Um, do you want me to help you?" I speak up, might as well be a normal human and offer my help.

"No no I'm good, you stay right there." He says shoving the door closed, pushing his hair out of his face, breathing hard.

Okaaayyyyy......I dont even let my mind try to come up with reasons as to why he has all those things hidden in his closet.  I keep my eyes on the panting boy in front of me.  A smile pulls at my lips as I look at his skinny body, and his clean and structured face.  He and I clearly dyed our hair the same color but his roots are begining to peek through, not deminishing his attractivness however.  

"You and I have the same color hair." I say changing the subject for his own convience.

"Why did you dye yours?" He says walking towards the futon with the bucket still in his hands.

"Well, I had naturally blonde hair but it just kept getting darker, so I started with the natural blonde dye, but over the months I just got more platnim each time I went to get it dyed."

He nods. And gets up suddenly. "I just wanted to look like an ice princess." he says while putting the bucket under the leak.

Despite smiling I roll my eyes. "Should I call you Elsa then?" attempting to be funny.


"It's from a movie." I say as he crushed my joke.

"Mhm..well if you noticed this apartment lacks in the TV department." He says over his shoulder while walking into the kitchen.

"Can't you just go to the movies?"

"Who in the right mind would move to New York to sit in a dark theater to watch..a..a movie?" he says coming back into the living space with food in his hands.

" People do the same thing for plays." I say with a smirk.

"Plays are different, they don't count." He places the box of crackers and the little plate of cheese on the small coffee table in front of the futon.

The sight of the snack makes me forget this little arguement as I quickly start to munch on cheese crackers.


"What?" I say as dry crumbs spray out of my mouth and dust his face.

His eys are shut tightly and his lips are tucked into his mouth and I can't help but to laugh at how annoyed he looks.

"Thanks for spraying food in my face." he says holding back a little smile.

"Hm..that's a weird thing to be thanking me for." I say with a fake confused face, but breaking into a giggle right after.

"Maybe I like to have pre chewed food spat on my face." I look up at him with a smile and we stare into each others eyes.  It's like the entire atmosphere of the room changes when we lock eyes.  I watch his blue eyes and how they slightly are moving as he studies my face as well.  

His eyes flick down to my lips and my face heats up.  My hands sweat and I try to hide my awkwardness with a smile. Is he going to kiss me, cuz like go ahead man. My thoughts are broken as we both flinch back when a loud knock is on the door and a man starts yelling from behind it.

"Lucky Blue!"

Two more knocks.

"I forgot my key!"

Tow more knocks.

"Open up man!"

One loud knock. 

"Jesus Chirst." Lucky mumbles as he stands up and his tall frame fills the room once again, making his way to the door. 

Lucky comes back with a slightly shorter, dark haired man walking behind him.  He is wearing a leather jacket and black skinny jeans that cover his lanky legs.  I hold my breath for a moment and admire his scruffy 5 o'clock shadow and bright hazel eyes, and I can see the dark ink of his tatoos on his chest and hands. 

I breath out before I pass out on the floor. 

"Does she not speak?" the new stranger says grasping my attention.

"Sorry...I'm...yeah I'm A.J" I say playing off the fact that I was not paying any attention before hand.

"Isn't that a boys' name?" Great he is one of those people.

"Well clearly she is a girl so..." Lucky buts in, defending me I guess? "Um..this is Cuff my roommate."

My eyes widen. "You together?" I say taking in the seemingly contrasting people in front of me, not to mention the kind of hell they must go through sharing such a small apartment. 



They reply to me at the same time. Cuff lazily plops down on the futon next to me and begins eating the crackers. 

"So what are you doing here A.J, did Lucky here think he could finally hook up with someone while I was gone?" he says with a smirk , my face beats red as does Lucky's.

"No. God, Cuff.  She is...well she is staying with us tonight." Lucky says anticipating some sort of reaction from Cuff. And he get one.

"That's rich!!" Cuff says nearly falling off the futon while letting out a loud laugh, making the room echo and almost vibrate.

"I'm not joking." Lucky says scratching the back of his neck.

Wow. I feel very welcome here.

"Since when did we start taking hobos in again?" Cuff says sobering up from his laugh. His rude remark make my face even more crimson.

"She was just so helpless...and ..I..when I saw her I thought-"

"She was hot?" Cuff interupts Lucky. My god this is my nightmare.

"No! Well, yes, but I don't know, I thought about how we have all been there before, in need of a friendly stranger." Lucky's words make me smile. "Plus you weren't supposed to be home tonight so I didn't think that it would have affected much." he finishes.

"So what? You think that she is gonna find a job and a new place to stay by tomorrow night?" Cuff says awakening my stress and worries that I have about this new city. "Why did you even come to NewYork?" he looks at me almost smiling because he can probably tell that he is intimidating me.

I gulp and my face flushes again. "I..uh..well....I plan on.."

"Spit it out."

"Modeling. I came her to model." I weakly say.


Author's Note:

HI!!Okay so you now you know that A.J has ambissions of becoming a model! Plus I am excited to have Zayn as Cuff ;) Thanks for reading. 

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