Chapter 7

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"Maybe if you drank some tea you might feel a little less worried?" Lucky slides a little tea cup in front of me. 

I sigh deeply. When are they going to call? I have been staring at my phone for almost 2 hours.

"Thanks." I smile weakly taking a sip of the herbal tea Lucky had made for me.  

"A.J, even if you...don't get casted, you are going to have hundreds of other opportunities.  This is New York! City of dreams." Lucky says sounding unsure of himself, but the fact that he is trying to cheer me up, is enough to make me smile.  

Cuff has returned from his whereabouts.  I have come to notice many things about the two males that I am temporarily living with.  Well, for starters they are polar opposites, not just in looks but personality as well. One thing that they have in common, how ever, is that I never really know where they go when they leave the studio.  

Lucky wakes up at the crack of dawn every day and reappears magically before I awake.  Cuff sleeps in as long as he can and when he is awake, he looks like he could sleep again at any moment.

I am most happy with the small chest of drawers that both the guys got me,  I could finally unpack and feel like I have a home for a little.  It has been 2 days and 46 minutes since the open call for IMG and I have heard nothing back from them, not a call, not an email, not a text, or letter, just nothing.  

"You know what? We, meaning you and I, are going out tonight." I am surprised with what Lucky says.

"Wait, so I'm not invited?" Cuff says. "The hell is this shit?"

"I don't think I am in the mood to go out."I turn to Lucky.

"Bullshit. You have been stuck in this god awful studio for, like, three days now.  Not to mention you haven't experienced any night life in this part of the city." He makes a great point and his offer is tempting.

"Fine, where are we going?" I give in smiling.

"It's a surprise, but you will need to put on something more appropriate.  Although I love those pajamas on you." He says teasing me.  

I had on a simple black dress, that has a cut out on each side, but it was a simple fit. 

"Is this appropriate for you Mr. Smith?" I say stepping out of the bathroom and starting to pull on my heals.

His eyes wash over my body. "Uh..yea, yes very." he says straightening out his black jacket that covers a black tee-shirt. "We look like twins." He says smiling.  

"Oh, no I'm that ugly?" I give him a mortified face but laugh out loud shortly after.

"Very funny.  Now let's get going." And with that we are out the door.

"Come home early my dears!" Cuff yells on our way out. 

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