Chapter 18

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BamBam was now with Jung Kook, in his cousin's car, on the way to the police station. And he can't help but repeat on what happened earlier.

He arrived the site and parked his car at the back of the building to hide from his cousin. Then he heard Youngji's voice and saw a man pointing a gun at her. He tackled the man and fought with him on the ground. And with his instincts, BamBam held the man's hand, with the gun, up and away from him. He was so into preventing the man from shooting him when the gun fired.

And when he looked up, he saw Youngji's face change from worried, to shock, and to realization that she was shot.

Even the man with the gun was shocked that made BamBam think he was an amateur shooter. He took advantage of the situation and knocked him unconscious.

BamBam immediately went to Youngji who was now lying on the ground, gripping her own wound.

That part was almost a blur that he couldn't remember what words he said to Youngji before Jackson came, beat the man up just after he woke up, and snatch Youngji from him.

He couldn't even stop Jackson from taking Youngji away from him because he has all the right to.

And besides, it was his fault. It was his fault why Youngji was hurt. If he had only held the man's arm in a different direction, this wouldn't have happened.

If only he pushed Youngji to go with him yesterday, instead of letting her go with Jackson, this wouldn't have happened.

If only..

"I know you're not okay but we have to appear to the police station and tell them what we saw," His hyung, who was driving, said that stopped him from his self-blame game.

He nodded. "Are you mad, hyung?" That's the other thing he's been worrying. His hyung told him to stay at school but he didn't.

"Of course I am mad," It made BamBam look down on himself at all the mistakes he's done today. "But not really." That made BamBam look back to his hyung. "I kinda expected you to break my rule. I mean, come on. I know you."

He smiled a little. "Thank you, hyung. And I'm sorry." He was filled with awe for his hyung. He didn't even say some things like "I told you so". He truly is a great person.

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