"Go, you need this" she said holding herself.

"How long you had this?" I asked out of curiosity.

"A few days I figured you were being stressed so you would need it"

"Nah come here beautiful" I said moving to the edge of the bed, she walked over to where I was and stood in front of me. I looked her up and down, its been a while if you know what I mean.

I pulled her between my legs and slowly pulled her shirt over her head and tugged down her shorts, just looking at her in her panties and bra was enough for me to lose it a little inside.

"August Eli is-"

"Is asleep and doesn't know what we're doing, I just need my wife" I said running my hands up her body slowly, I knew she was watching me as I did this and I was okay with it her body was one that needed admiration cause 3 kids later and she's still the most beautiful and sexy woman in my eyes.

I stood up and pulled off my shirt and as I did I felt her hands roaming over my abs and chest, I picked her up and instantly her legs wrapped tightly around me. I reached up and let her hair down, I pressed my lips against hers gently as I climbed onto our bed, I laid her in the middle and just starred down at her.

"Why do you always stare at me like that?" She asked as I laced our fingers together.

"Because your beautiful, always have been and always will be, I just like to appreciate the fact your still with me through all the things I've put you through" I said as I rested my forehead against hers. She wrapped her arms around my neck loosely and stared up at me.

"Because that's what a wife does, now we can have this talk later because we have 15 minutes before the kids come back here complaining about being hungry" she said giggling.

"That's all Ima need baby girl" I said as I trailed kisses down her neck.

~1 hour later~

The kids apparently fell asleep downstairs cause I was tearing that ass up for a minute but had to stop cause Elijah started crying.

"I told you he was gonna wake up" Cat said quickly slipping into her robe.

"And I told you to stop moaning so loud" I said pulling on my boxers and basketball shorts.

"And whose fault is it that I being loud, I said to deep and you kept going without a care no excuses" she said flicking me as I came and stood over her and Eli.

"Aye stop hurting me lady" I said rubbing the my cheek.

"Your such a big baby go check on AJ and Zoey" she said smirking.

"Yes mami" I leaned down and kissed her cheek, then kissed top of Elijah's head. This is my life and I'm loving it.


While August went downstairs to check on AJ and Zo I changed Lijah' diaper and laid on the bed with him my little man was getting so big so fast, kind of makes me want to have another baby but right now isn't the best time.

Alyssa isn't really doing to great from what I heard and it actually hurts my heart to hear that this young girl well not really that young cause she's just like a year younger than me but I still hate to hear all of this.

I knew August was working on a bunch of new stuff in the studio so really we spend most of our days writing, I put my music on hold and started going hard for my fashion but I will be dropping a whole new album before the end of the year.

"The kids are asl- wake yo ass up" August said slapping my ass.

"Oooowww baaabbbe! That shit hurt cmon man!" I said while rolling over to cuddle my now crying little boy.

"Awe..you'll be aii" he said chuckling, he picked up Elijah and started making funny faces which made him stop crying and start laughing.

I took up my phone and started taking pictures of them I posted a video of them when August and him were laying on the bed staring at each other. After laying there for a few minutes I got up and made my way downstairs to get started on dinner for the kids and that black hole upstairs.

"Mommy I want cookies" Zoey said coming into the kitchen.

"Is that how we ask for things?" I said turning to her.

"Can I have some cookies please?"

"Much better, chocolate chip?"

"Yes please" she said smiling. I took one down and passed it too her, I watched her as she skipped to the fridge and grabbed a carton of milk and skipped out of the kitchen as August walked in.

"I think little mans hungry" he said watching he chewed on August' shirt.

"Awe my baby gimme him and put that pasta in the pot" I left the kitchen and went to the playpen in the living room me grabbed his blanket and tossed it across my chest and started breast feeding him.

I feel like we should all go out this weekend but I don't think I really want to go out with all that's happening right about now. We're keeping everything under wraps we've been working everything from home sometimes unless we really need to go out which is only for the kids really other than that we're here.

I felt Lijah move away from my nipple and moved the blanket and fixed myself before burping him, a few minutes after that he went to sleep and I put him in his little play pen then went into the kitchen.

"Oh baby, the family reunion is coming up, you still wanna go right?" August asked as I came in.

"Yeah of course I do, I miss your family plus they gotta meet Eli" I said taking the bag of grapes from the fridge.

"Yeah that's true just know you won't see him for the rest of the day until he's hungry or needs his diaper changed" he said making me laugh.

"Remember they did that with the twins had to fight your cousin for my own child" I said shaking my head at the memory.

"Yeah now that was a scene to watch hella funny" he said chuckling. I took a grape from the bag and threw it at him making him turn around.

"Cat did you just throw a grape at me??" I shrugged and busted out laughing.

"I'm sorry it was too tempting okay" I said laughing.

"I just...I'm really gonna stop questioning what you do from now on" he said shaking his head.

"I love you too babe"

The Truth (ON HOLD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora