I tried to grab her........but it was to late.

I watched in shock as she tumbled down backfirst until I heard a loud BOOM!!! And then it was quiet again.

When I finally snapped out of it, I ran down the hill to find her.

I stopped about halfway when something lit up caught my eye. It was her phone! I picked it up and continued my journey down.

I prayed silently to myself that she was okay.

How could I be that stupid? This was all my fault! Why did I have to close my eyes? She is probably seriously hurt all because I couldn't keep my eyes open! 

 I reached a small clearing and there she was. I gasped and let out a whimper.

Her mangled body looked like it hit the rock. That would explain the noise. Her limp body was covered in scratches and cuts and she was bleeding almost everywhere. Her hair was tangled and leaves were matted into it. I carefully lifted her head off the rock and let out a muffled sob. I couldn't see much but there was definitely a wound because it was bled a little.  

 I spent about an hour carefully lifting her unconscious body in my arms and slowly climbing up the hill.

On my way up, I found my phone which I must of dropped on my way down. It was all cracked. I sighed, but it made me feel a little bit better since I deserved it. The guilt was starting to take over.

When I reached the top, I started to make my way back to the condo. I figured I would take her there to clean her up a bit before I took her to the hospital.  

 The receptionist gave me a strange look when I stumbled into the lobby and I couldn't blame her.

What we must of looked like. A kid covered in sweat, dirt, and grass carrying an unconscious girl with cuts and leaves all over her. Sounds a little strange, doesn't it?

I quickly explained that we fell alseep outside and she was still sleeping. The girl slowly nodded looking suspicious at my weak explanation, but probably not wanting to deal with me.

I reached my private floor and kicked open the door.

The house was silent. My bodyguard, Dave, was in Pittsburgh visiting family, but I didn't know where my mom was.

I ever so slowly carried her into my room and gently set her on the floor, leaning her against my bed to prop her head off the carpet.

My mom probably texted me, but since my phone was cracked I had assumed it was broken. I tried turning it on and to my relief it worked. Sure enough, there was a text stating where she was.

"I'm sorry about our fight earlier. I am at spending the night at a friend's house to give us a little space. I will be home tomorrow around noon. We can talk then. No messing around and please no cooking. I would prefer you buy something. Love you."

I sighed in relief because I really didn't want to explain my situation.

- 1 hour later -

I finally finished cleaning her up.

I used a washcloth to clean her cuts and the dirt that covered her beautiful olive toned skin. I bandaged up the bigger cuts after cleaning them and made sure I was careful not to hurt her anymore.

I guess my prayers worked because she wasn't hurt as badly as she looked, but I still felt horrible. She was still out cold but her breathes where deep and even.

I got a bucket and dipped her head in it (being careful that I didn't touch the lump on the back of her head) and shampooed it and then I combed it and blowdryed it. She smelled like axe now but it better than nothing.

I lightly tangled my fingers in her beautiful hair.

It was like a chestnut brown color that reflected reddish hints in it even though it was more like a dark brown. It was long, thick, and wavy.  

 As beautiful as her hair was, it didn't compare to her stunning face.

She had dark thick eyelashes that cast small shadows across her pink cheeks. Her lips were shaped like a barbie's and looked so soft and pink, it was hard to resist kissing her. She had an adorable slightly upturned nose that had few faint freckles sprinkled across her delicate skin. She was around 5'6 and her long legs looked toned and healthy despite the scratchs she had. She had beautiful hands that felt soft and dry. Her fingernails were painted a light pink and I admired the way her gold bracelet looked against her tan skin.

Her white shirt was torn and caked with dirt and her shorts were also shredded. Her white sandals were broken, but her feet seemed to be the only part of her body that wasn't dirty or cut.  

 I forced myself to tear my eyes away from her so I could get up and take a shower because I probably looked like something out of a horror movie.

After I showered, I put on some basketball shorts and some socks and got a glass of water. When I entered the room the girl was still out cold.

I suddenly remembered her phone. I got it out of my other pocket and turned it on.

Her phone was surprisingly okay. Her lockscreen picture was her pointing to a rainbow with her mouth forming an O. I chuckled to myself and unlocked the phone. She had a password, but I knew how to hack into to someone's iPhone so I got in with no problem.

She had 5 missed calls: 1 from her dad and 4 from her mom who was probably freaking out since it was now 10:00 P.M.

I saw by her texts that her name was Iris. What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.

I had just turned it off and froze when she suddenly let out a groan and opened her eyes.

Emotions - (An Original Austin Mahone Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now