Chapter 19

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The morning of the next day~

"Thanks Brooke for letting me stay the night." I said, standing at the doorway.

Last night was pretty hectic. With everyone getting attacked by Vanoss Crew and one of us having to go to the hospital, I'm sure that everyone is on edge, including myself.

Kiwi offered to look after Kenny for the week, leaving just the rest of us to deal with what's happening. I'm just really hoping that Vanoss Crew would leave us, especially those two, alone for now.

Luckily when Brooke and I went back to her place last night, Vanoss and Basically were already gone and it was safe enough for us to stay. Just to make sure, we both searched the entire house to check if anything was missing or if were hiding to ambush us or something.

Another good thing was that Brooke hadn't suspected that it wasn't Vanoss Crew who destroyed my home, and I wanna keep it that way.

"You sure you don't want help cleaning up your house?" Brooke asked once again.

"Brooke, I'll be fine cleaning it all on my own." I replied." I'll see you later." I called as I walked back up to my car and drove off.

Honestly, I needed all the help to fix up my house. I already know that I can't do this all on my own. The only reason I said no was because I just needed a whole day to myself. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be mean in any kind of way to my friends, I just haven't had the chance to actually be alone. Considering the situation I'm in, that's not the best thing to do. But I'm just gonna take my chances.


One thing that whoever broke into my home and forgot to do was break my speakers. Thank goodness! Cause I would've been cleaning up in silence and that would just be boring.

But there's so much to do.

So far, I've manage to clear up the whole first floor, leaving everything that is impossible for me to lift on my own. And that's about it.

Ugh, why do I have such a big house for someone living alone?

Standing and looking around the living room, it still pretty much looked the same. I frowned and headed my way upstairs." This is going to take forever." I groaned.

For the next hours or so, I went through every room and cleaned up the floors like I did downstairs. The last room I cleaned up was my bedroom. When I entered, I instantly stopped at the threshold of the door and just stared at what was on my bed.

"The fuck?" I finally said after what felt like forever standing there and staring dumbly. On my bed was a dress(A/N: The photo above), along with a pair of shoes and accessories to go with it. Just by looking at it, I knew that all this was expensive(and not refundable). There was also a note on top of the dress which I picked up and read.

"Wear this on the night." The note read.

Holding up the dress, I actually felt better in a way. Whoever left this here doesn't know shit about me if they really think I would wear this kind of dress. It's not my style at all. It looks my size but I refuse to try it on, let alone wear it on the night.

"Note to self; Go to the mall and find something to wear for the charity ball." I said, delicately putting the dress back down.
Third Person, Elsewhere~

"You think she'll like the dress?" The woman asked as she looked at the man standing before the wall-length window, looking out to the busy city.

The man laughed," Of course not, I only bought it as a ploy to make sure Nyssa was going."

The woman smirked at him," Hmm, this may be the first time you've done something along the line that's almost self doubt."

Through the reflection, she spotted the frown on his face," This girl isn't your typical go lucky, happy and naive teenager. She senses when something isn't right and will do whatever it takes to prove it."

"Which means that she'll know something's up and that your planning something?" She asked almost rhetorically, raising an eyebrow behind her square glasses.

"Yes, but she won't know exactly what." He said, turning away from the wall-length window and to the woman." And besides," He continued as he sat back down behind his wooden office desk," She's going to be too distracted to even try and find out."

I'm not sure if that last part was obvious or not. Actually, I gave away two obvious things in this chapter. Think you guys know?

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed:)

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