Chapter 16

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Third Person~

Vanoss and the rest of the gang had watched the whole encounter from a hidden spot.

"That bitch." Vanoss muttered.

Vanoss planned the whole encounter to see if it could lure Nyssa in and prove that they're still friends. Not an ounce inside him believed that whole fight she and her friends had. This was just one way to prove it and help him take a step further to finding out that Nyssa really was the one behind the article.

It didn't really go according to plan since it was only Kenny and Owl but the end result was satisfying. Not only did Nyssa fall into his trap but Fox had also done it too. But that wasn't the most satisfying part. Vanoss had realised then that Fox had befriended Nyssa and is also somehow behind this just like her friends.

Going over the whole situation in his mind, he actually admitted that they have pretty good combat skills. Good enough to even be apart of a gang...

"What now, Vanoss?" Lui asked, snapping Vanoss out of his thoughts.

"We're going to pay a little visit to each of the girls and see if any of them will talk." Vanoss replied.

"What if they don't?" Mini asked.

Vanoss smirked," Then they'll pay the consequences."
Nyssa's Point of View~

Owl, Kenny, Fox and I went up to the rooftops of the school and decided to stay there till the bell rings for next period. While coming up here, Owl and Kenny had told us what happened before Fox and I intervened. There really wasn't anything to it, the two of them were on their way to class when they suddenly bumped into them. They weren't even together in the morning, it was just bad timing or, in a way, a coincidence.

"So what now?" Fox asked as she stood by the ledge. I also stood by the ledge with Owl sat on top of it, crossing her legs, and Kenny swung one leg over and leaned onto her hand." They've seen us four together."

Fox was met with silence as we all thought about it. From the top of my head, I really couldn't think of anything with an outcome that we'll all be happy about. There was always a flaw to each idea, which sucks.

Kenny groaned in annoyance," I've got nothing." She said.

"Me neither. Fox? Nyssa? Do you guys have any ideas?" Owl asked.

"If I did, I would've said it by now." Fox muttered.

I sighed," We have to tell the others about this and just hope they think of something."

Time Skip, after school~

Even though it's only been a day since that school article incident, everything about the school has changed significantly. But one thing I wasn't sure of was if that was a good thing or not. I could tell that more people were in fear instead of disbelief—I mean yeah they were shocked to know the truth but Vanoss Crew are criminals. I don't blame them for being afraid. While ease dropping on people's conversations, Vanoss Crew hasn't been seen since(except for Kenny, Owl, Fox and I).

Honestly, I don't think they should be afraid. It's not their fault about all this happening. They shouldn't worry about being afraid. The ones that should be worried and afraid are my friends and I. We were the ones that did this and we're probably gonna pay for it in the future. I'm just hoping that thy go easy on the rest of the girls and I take most of the consequences.

I care too much about them to see them hurt

Entering my home, I closed the door quickly and rested my forehead onto it, letting out a sigh of relief I never knew I was holding. I closed my eyes, feeling a bit tired and wanting to go to sleep. I then stood up properly and turned around.

To see my whole home in ruins.

I was in complete shock looking around my house. Walking along the floorboards, a few shatters could be heard from underneath my feet as I walked over any sort of broken pieces. In the living room, everything breakable was broken and the furniture was teared to shreds or knocked over and laying on the floor.

Walking to the kitchen, all the dishes were shattered, covering the floor almost completely. The food was also wasted as it was thrown around, along with the rubbish too. Going upstairs and checking every room, they were all in the same state.

Anger, annoyance and revenge were a few emotions that I was currently feeling but surprisingly, I felt relief since no one was hurt from this. The only thing that's been damaged is the house itself. It was obvious that this wasn't a robbery since there was no forced entries or opened windows or doors when I checked everything, and also nothing seemed to be missing. Just broken.

The only people I can blame for this is Vanoss Crew. Vanoss himself said that he was going to make my life a living hell. Maybe this is just one of the many ways that he and the gang are trying to get back at me.

They are so gonna pay for this. I declared.

Not wanting to stay here any longer, I went to my room to pack a few things for the night. But first, I needed to call one of the girls to see if I can sleepover at their place just for tonight. Entering my bedroom properly this time, I finally noticed a black envelope laying on my bed. Obliviously, I went to go pick it, not having any idea on what it would be. On the envelope, my full name was written fancily with a gold pen. From the looks of it, I had a feeling that it was an invitation. I was correct when I carefully opened it and pulled out a black card.

"You are formally invited to the annual Charity Ball, hosted by the owner of Lockwood Inc. and successful business entrepreneur Aaron Lockwood." I read aloud.

I knew who Aaron Lockwood was. He and my father were good friends, inside and outside of the business world. At first, my father and him were business partners till my father decided to go on his own. Because of that, my father had created Mason Industries, one of the biggest company's in the world.

Why don't I use my father's last name? My mother had told me that he wasn't my real father and my biological one had passed away before I was born. Verbeck is my mother's maiden name.

Anyways, Aaron had also gone up the ranks but was never as successful as my fathers'. After my parent's death, Aaron volunteered to take charge of the company but was turned down because my father had already signed a contract with someone else for them to takeover once he was unable to.

I am still heiress to the business but clearly I'm not old enough to takeover nor do I have any experience. But I'm still fighting over in my head on whether if or not I should takeover the family business. It doesn't seem to fit well for me. My parents only told me about being the heiress last year on my birthday

Well at least I have a plan B if whatever I do after school finishes and doesn't work out.

Looking back to the invitation and remembering what the state my house was in, I realised that Vanoss Crew may have not been behind this, but only because of this invitation.

"I need to get out of here." I said before quickly packing my clothes and anything I needed for the night, taking the invitation along with me. I really need to relax and clear my head tonight.

Ooh, things just got more interesting in this story...

Yeah I know, I'm meant to be studying(like before), but this is just my way of how to take a break from it. Thank goodness I just have more more exam to go before my holiday officially starts.

Oh and thank you guys so much for over two thousand reads! That's really awesome and cool that people actually read this(which I still can't believe).

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter:)

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