Chapter 4

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When the movie finished, Brooke and Kiwi slowly came outta hiding behind their hands.

"Oh good, it's done." Brooke said then sighed in relief.

*AAAAAAHHHHH* Both Brooke and Kiwi screamed and jumped in their seats, scared by the sudden high pitched scream. Kenny and started laughing.

"Guess you spoke too soon." I said and laughed a bit more." But you have to admit, it was a good movie."

"Yeah," Brooke and Kiwi said.

"Good?" Kenny question." That movie was amazing! How have I not seen that before?"

"Because it was banned in San Andreas and I just so happened to have a copy back in my old home." I said." You can have-"

"OKAY!" Kenny said and bolted for the DVD player to get the dvd out before I could finish my sentence.

"Okay since you guys had to sit through the whole thing, you guys can decide what to do now. And while you do that, Kenny and I will get some more food." I said, getting up and dragging Kenny along with me.

Now's a good time to ask.

"Is that a bruise?" I asked dumbly on purpose and tried to touch it. Kenny shooed my hand away and stepped back.

"No no no, it's just-"

I put a hand on her shoulder," It's okay to tell the truth. I won't tell anyone." I said softly and genuinely.

Kenny's eyes widened in surprise. I could tell by the look on her face that she was deciding whether if or not she should tell me.

Then her eyes started to water and she looked down," My parents abuse me." She murmured and started to sniff.

But I didn't let her talk anymore when I started to hug her, comforting her. She started to cry even more onto my shoulder, damping my shirt. I didn't care about that as I started to rub her back soothingly.

"Ssh, it's okay, it's okay." I repeated a few times as she muttered things like 'my parents hate me' and anything along the line.

About a minute later, Kenny put her head up. Her eyes were puffy and red from the crying.

"You haven't told anyone have you?" I asked and she shook her head." Look we can talk about it if you want." I offered.

"No," Kenny said before sniffing." Brooke and Kiwi are here." She managed to say.

"That's fine." I said. I wiped a few tears from her face gently as less tears escaped from her eyes." You can go to bathroom and clean up a bit. I would offer you makeup but we clearly don't have the same skin colour."

I was glad when she started laughing as I tried to lighten the mood, her crazy laugh coming back slowly.

"I'll be fine, I have some in my pocket."

I nodded," There's a bathroom upstairs, second door to the right." Kenny then left as I then got out a bag of chips and a 6-pack of Mountain Dew from the fridge.

When I walked into the living room, Brooke and Kiwi were chatting about something. I wasn't gonna ask about it until I heard the names 'Delirious' and 'Terroriser'.

"Hey, what's all the talk about?" I asked innocently, as if I didn't know.

"Oh uh," Brooke started." Just about school." She lied.

"Hey, where's Kenny?" Kiwi then asked changing the subject.

Kiwi is shy but is one smart and quick cookie I thought.

"In the bathroom," I said.

Might as well let it go. For now.

"So, what are we doing?" I asked the two girls.

"Do you have an Xbox or any gaming consoles?" Kiwi asked.

"Yeah, I have a gaming room upstairs." I said, getting up once more, carrying the food and drink." C'mon!"

I walked up the stairs, Brooke and Kiwi following along behind me. When I reached the top, I could hear some commotion coming from one of the rooms. We all looked at each other before following the source of the sound. It was coming from the gaming room which only meant one thing;

"Hahaha," A voice laughed crazily. I opened the door to see Kenny playing GTA V." Gotcha bitch!"

Well, at least she's better now.

Sorry about the short chapter and not updating sooner, I've been having trouble writing this chapter.

Hope you guys like it anyways!

High School From Hell(Vanoss Crew Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن