Chapter 12

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Being curious, I ran and hid around the corner to see who the hell—Vanoss Crew— wanted me to be locked in there. I moved my head back a bit when I saw three shadows on the wall quickly becoming bigger as they turned a corner. I rolled my eyes as the shadows belonged to BasicallyIDoWrk, Terroriser and Nogla. The three entered the classroom and I quickly left the scene.


Time Skip~

"What took so long?" Kenny asked me as everyone, except for Jumi, were sitting down in the living room either on the floor or the sofas.

"Just the norms y'know, getting locked in a classroom and pick locking your way out instead of kicking the door down or else people will here." I said, the whole explained covered in sarcasm.

"And you didn't want to leave your sarcasm behind?" Owl retorted.

I glared at her for a second," Anyways, where's Jumi?"

Everyone looked at each other before their all either shrugged or mumbled a "no".

When the door suddenly opened to a very happy Jumi strolling in and sitting down, I thought what good timing I had when I asked where she was before. And I was also wondering where she's been the whole time.

"And why are you so happy?" Zell asked.

Jumi shrugged before giggling like an idiot," Nothing."

I wanted to push the subject but what I'm about to announce is more important," I have a plan to takedown Vanoss Crew."

The girls all then moved closer, eager to know what I had in mind.

"Here it is..."

The Next Day, Third Person~

I came to school on my own today, standing with a neutral look on my face and doing a good job at hiding how I truly felt. Step one of the plan would begin once Vanoss Crew hurry and get to school already! It's bad enough that they have to be bombarded by girls everyday!

Calm down, there's no need to be getting so impatient and uptight my conscious said.

I took a deep breath and I began walking further into school, looking straight ahead and ignoring the looks I was getting from a few onlookers.

Brooke, Kenny and Kiwi nodded at each other as Owl, Jumi, Zell and Tiger had also arrived, walking past the fanatic girls. My eyes widen as I notice Jumi and Silent Droidd sharing a glance, him winking at Jumi while she looked away and smiled like a little girl. As much as I wanted to ask, I had to wait since I had to focus on the plan.

Speaking of plans, once the crowd died down for Vanoss and his friends to hear, the plan was about to begin now.

Kenny had walked around the corner and "accidentally" bumped into Owl.

"Hey, what was that for?!" Owl called, making Kenny turn around.

"You were in my way!" She retorted. Soon they started arguing and all the girls, except for Dom and Fox, had come in to try and stop it. Eventually, they all started arguing with each other.

Honestly, this sounded like a real argument, just like the one they had when they all first met. Even Fox had stepped in to stop it which surprised those who were watching. If I were watching this whole thing, I would've believed it too. Not only did we get the attention of the boys, but we got everyone else's too.

"C'mon Nyssa, let's go." Jumi said, clutching onto my hand. The one big group of friends were now split into two.

I them snatched my hand out," No, I'm not going with you."

Kenny laughed," Ha! Nyssa doesn't want to be your friends."

I shook my head," I'm not going with you guys either." The bell then rang.

What good timing.

"I'm going to class." I muttered before leaving them there.

Step one done. Now for Dom to complete step two of taking them down.

I went into class and sat at the back next to Dom. Still no one knew that we were friends and I wanna keep it that way for now. If they knew we were friends, she'll be in a lot of hot water just like the rest of us. I didn't want to send her a note just yet, in case anyone (or everyone) from Vanoss Crew would walk into class right when I'm about to.

About a minute later, all the boys had come in and taken a seat. But what was weird was that Vanoss had sat next to me. I dared to take a glance towards him and when I did, he was already staring back at me with a poker face. I quickly looked away and started paying attention to the teacher.

Great, now I just have to wait like everyone else to see if Dom did her part in the plan.

Is this confusing? I'm not sure if this is.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and Happy Halloween(even though it's the 1st of November here:))!

High School From Hell(Vanoss Crew Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin