Chapter 13

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Flashback to yesterday~

"Do you have any idea where Vanoss Crew would be now?" I asked Dom after explaining the plan, a glint of hope in my eyes.

Since we couldn't really takedown the crew head on(or at all for the matter), I decided we should do it stealthily and behind the scenes.

The first step was the hardest since we had to find some piece of evidence to show that Vanoss Crew are real criminals. I tried looking them up on the internet but nothing useful had come up. I had another plan in mind which was to follow them and see if anything happens.

Dom shrugged," Nope," She said, putting my first plan into waste." But I have another idea." She spoke, her brown eyes telling me the rest of the story. Everyone else looked at us funny.

"Okay, what the hell do you mean?" Jumi asked.

End of Flashback~

While Mini was over at Dom's house last night, Fox, Owl and Kiwi had went over to his house. Dom had texted them his address and approximately how long they had to find something we could use against them.

What they found was really impressive. Kiwi had hacked into his computer and sent me a link to the fake bank account Vanoss Crew had all shared made to store all their money(which was a lot). Along with that, it didn't take long for Owl and Fox to find a black duffel bag filled drugs inside his closet.

That craziest part of this was that it was the same exact drugs that Fox takes. She explained to us that she had no clue that it was them who sold the drugs to her. They didn't know it was her since she disguised herself and Fox didn't know which one of Vanoss Crew had sold it to her.

Luckily, nothing went wrong during this whole ordeal and everything was going according to plan.

Speaking of plans, the next step everyone was about to see was about to begin—

The bell had rung.

Now. I finished off, looking as everyone has made their way out of class and on their way to their next one. Already, I could hear the commotion from outside. But this time, the only word to mainly describe it was shock.

I stood in the school hallway to see everyone holding a copy of the latest school newsletter which were also all over the ground. I picked one up, the headline reading "VANOSS CREW EXPOSED".

The whole article was dedicated to everything Vanoss Crew and who they truly are. I quickly skimmed the article and read how they received an anonymous letter. The photos of the accounts and drugs weren't placed on here but everything about this was fact. 

There was no sign of Vanoss Crew anywhere, most likely going to the publishers of the school newsletter to deal with this.

The teachers had come out to see what was going on and to tell everyone to get to their next classes. When they saw what the students were looking at, they all remained calm as the ordered everyone to get to class.

When I had made it to my next class, there was no sign of Vanoss Crew. For some reason, my mind was arguing over whether if or not that's a good thing.

Time Skip~

For the whole night, the girls and I have been talking on Skype, mainly about how we took a stand against Vanoss Crew. Honestly, it actually felt great doing that although I know that there will be consequences in the future. Deep down, I'm just hoping that I'm the only one who'll have to face 'em, caring too much for my friends.

It's amazing how we've all come together. I thought happily, mentally smiling to myself.

They've all been wondering when we'll be able to hangout again but we all just needed to be patient, because if we all suddenly become friends right after what happened to Vanoss Crew, it'll look super suspicious. This was pretty much the only way we could talk to each other now which sucks.

I yawned and stretched my arms," I'm gonna go sleep, I'll talk to you guy tomorrow." I said, my voice slightly slurred from how tired I currently was. Everyone had said their goodbyes and goodnight before I logged off and turned off my computer. I was in the game room instead of my bedroom since I was playing a game before they called me into the group chat.

When I stood from the chair, a funny feeling flowed into me, as if something bad was going to happen. Just as I finished the thought, I heard a thud coming from downstairs. My instincts instantly kicked in as I grabbed a nearby baseball bat(don't ask) and left the room, quickly and quietly making my way downstairs.

The lights were still turned off but that didn't suppress the funny feeling, it just made it worse. The living room was the first place I went to. Everything was still in place as I quietly walked around the living room. But as I reached the bookshelf on the other side of the room, one of the books had fallen.

I thought relief would was over me but it didn't. A book would not sound that loud if it had fallen. And why did it fall in the first place?

Putting the bat in one hand, I picked up the book with my free hand, taking a quick glance at it before putting it back."POWER & CONTROL" the title read. I couldn't help but feel like this was a strange coincidence since the story was similar to events in real life.

"Nice house you got here." I wasted no time and quickly turned around, the bat up and ready to hit the person.

Speak of the devil and he shall come. I thought as I faced the person who broke into my home. Vanoss stood across the room with a scarily calm demeanour, his hands folded behind his face and his face emotionless.

"No no, no need for that." He said and pointed towards the bat." I just came here to talk."

Okay, I'm probably not gonna update for the next week since I have exams. Sorry about that:(

Hope you guys enjoyed:)

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