Chapter 3

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Oh thank goodness it's Saturday!

Problem? I have absolutely nothing to do today.

Maybe I should invite the girls over? Yeah, I'll do just that.

After texting Brooke, Kenny and Kiwi about hanging out at my place and playing a quick mobile game, I went downstairs to grab something to eat. I looked into the fridge and it looked like a ghost town. Then I looked into the pantry and saw that it looked just like the fridge; empty.

"Great, now I have to go buy some food." I said and grabbed my car keys.

Time Skip~

I walked down one of the many aisles in this grocery store, holding a shopping basket and picking out some random and essential foods for me to eat for the next week or two. How can I afford all this? Well let's just say that I can live for the rest of my life without having to work. But I'm gonna make sure I get a job and work. I don't need to stay at home bored and full of regret, wondering where the hell my life is.

When I left the aisle, I noticed who just entered the store; Vanoss, Moo Snuckel and H20 Delirious. I was actually surprised that they were here, thinking that they had minions-I mean someone do the shopping for them. They do seem like the people who would actually do that since they're so known and popular, and that they're too cool to be seen here bla bla bla...

When I reached the end of the aisle, before grabbing some stuff from there, I turned too see that H20 Delirious was nearby, his mask staring me down. I glared at him momentarily before going into the next aisle.

What the hell was his problem?

As I was walking, I bumped into a wall and stumbled back slightly, trying to gain my balance. I managed to thankfully so I didn't make a fool of myself.

"You okay?" A voice said with a Canadian accent. I looked up to see that I didn't bump into a wall, I bumped into a person. And not just any person, the one and only Vanoss himself.

Yippee I cheered sarcastically in my head.

"Perfectly fine." I said and walked past him. He then grabbed my arm and stopped me from walking. I instantly pulled my arm from his grip and turned to glare at him.

"Well aren't you a feisty one." He mocked, a small smirk appearing on his face.

"Worse." I said simply. Instead of his smirk leaving his face, it grew even more.

"You're the new girl right?" He asked, stepping closer to me." Nyssa Verbeck?" Once again, he stepped closer to me. I wan't gonna give him the satisfaction that I was intimidated by him, which I wasn't, and step back so instead I stood my ground.

"Yup." I said." Why you ask?"

He shrugged," Just making sure." He said." By the way, I'm Vanoss but you probably knew that." He said, his tone sounding so cocky and vain.

I scoffed and laughed lightly," Wow, you are so full of yourself." I said honestly and laughed a little longer.

But I stopped when stepped forward one more time, closing the space between us. We were so close that ever time I inhaled, I could touch his chest.

"You know, you should watch what you say to certain people, it can get you into deep trouble." He said lowly into my ear.

My heart was beating faster and chills ran down my body. But once again, I stood my ground. I was intimidated now but not afraid. There's a difference.

Is there? A voice inside my head asked rhetorically but I ignored it.

He then stepped back and started walking away from me," See you around, Nyssa!" He called, acting like whatever just happened before didn't.

I stood there and watched up until he left my view.

Yup, there is definitely something off about him and everyone else in that crew.

Time Skip~

I came back home in a record time of five minutes. It usually takes me double that time to drive back from the store. I'm probably gonna get fined for driving through red lights and speeding but I didn't care.

I just needed to get outta there.

Someone then knocked on my door lightly and I opened it too see that it was Brooke, Kenny and Kiwi.

"Hey." I said, glad to see them.

"Hey." All three of them said before walking in and making themselves at home in my living room.

"Cool place Nyssa!" Brooke called as I caught up with them. I ended up sitting on the single chair.

"Yeah, this place is sick." Kenny said.

"Are your parents cool with us being here?" Kiwi asked.

"Actually, I live alone." I said and they were all surprised.

"Lucky." Kenny sighed then laughed.

Wow she really is crazy

"Wait how come you live alone?" Kiwi asked.

"Uh..." I trailed off, scratching the back of my neck." My parents died." I said. All three of them had sad and sympathetic looks on their faces.

And that's why I don't tell people that or anything sad about my life, I just really hate it when people feel sad for me.

"Oh my gosh, I-"

"Don't worry about it." I reassured Kiwi who now had a guilty look on her face for asking." Let's watch a movie." I said, changing the subject quickly.

"Can we watch a horror movie?" Kenny asked, jumping in her seat in excitement.

"Yeah sure, I have a bunch of DVDs in that cupboard next to the TV." I said and Kenny quickly hopped out her seat and ran to the DVD cupboard.

Brooke and Kiwi both had scared looks on their faces," Hey, it won't be that bad." I reassured.

"Oh my gosh, you have so many horror movies!" Kenny shouted in the background, making Brooke and Kiwi fell even more uneasy.

A few seconds later, Kenny pulled a dvd out called Wicked Scary(A/N: Guys know where that's from?) and popped it into the dvd played.

When she did, her green jumper was slightly pulled back and I noticed a bruise on her wrist that looked like a handprint.

Wait what? Where the hell is that from?

Then when she came to sit back down, I now noticed all the makeup that was on her face. I would've brushed it off since it was normal to wear makeup  until I noticed a small purple colour forming on the right side of her cheek which she forgot to cover properly. There was really only one reason why it was there.

Is someone abusing her?

I tried something new. After this, XxSeireixX will be uploading a new chapter. We planned this so you guys won't feel sad about people not publishing or updating. It was her idea so thank her for that:)

Hope you guys liked it!

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