Chapter 18

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Meanwhile at school, Third Person~

Kiwi was surprised at how long she had stayed in school. She didn't realise how long till about two seconds ago when the librarian told her to leave. Since the Internet was down at her place for the day and her assignment was due tomorrow, Kiwi just decided to finish it off in the school library. Kenny's also here but Kiwi knew that she'd get bored of waiting and wonder off somewhere.

Just as she was about to leave the library, Wildcat suddenly appeared and stood right in the middle of the doorway.

"You know the bell rang a long time ago." Wildcat commented.

"You must've not heard it either since you're still here." She muttered and realised how out of character that was for her to say that. The girls are really rubbing off of her.

"What did you just say?" Wildcat said, taking a few steps towards Kiwi as she took just as many back.

She bit her lip," Uh, I—"

Wildcat had already caught up to her and pushed her harshly to the floor." You stupid little bi—"

Suddenly, he was cut off by a very pissed off Kenny, who came just in time to see Kiwi getting pushed down." Don't touch her!" Was what she said before wasting no time to attack Wildcat.

What she didn't notice was the satisfied smirk on his face as she did.

Nyssa's Point of View~

"Are we gonna go back to your place now?" Brooke asked.

"Trust me, you don't wanna go to my place right now." I told her. Just a moment after, my phone rang and I picked it up.

"Nyssa, come to school. Quick!" The voice, I recognised as Kiwi's, said frantically.

I put the phone on speaker so Brooke could listen too," Kiwi, calm down. What's wrong?" I asked.

"There's not time to explain right now." She said." Have you heard from everyone else? They're not picking picking up their phones."

"Brooke's here with me but I haven't heard from the others either." I told her, thinking maybe they were just in as much trouble as Brooke and I were before.

"Please come here quick." After she said that, Brooke and I could hear something smash in the background.

"We're on our way." I said before hanging up. Quickly, I revved up the car and sped through the streets.

Time Skip~

Brooke and I quickly got out the car and ran into the school.

"Any ideas as to where we would find Kiwi and Kenny?" I asked.

"I remember Kiwi saying something about finishing her assignment at the library." Brooke answered.

The two of us then ran left, on our way to the library. As we saw the library in view, we also saw Kiwi struggling to drag Kenny's unconscious body on her own.

"Kiwi!" I called, grabbing her attention. Brooke caught up to her first and helped Kiwi pick up Kenny's body. Up close, it looked like Kenny just fought a war." What happened?" I asked.

"It's a long story and I'd rather explain it once everyone's here." Kiwi answered." What about Wildcat?"

I went back into the library to see Wildcat, his body in the same state as Kenny's as his head awkwardly slumped against one of the bookshelves, almost looking like he's dead.

"Just leave him there, Vanoss Crew can handle it." I said after I caught up with them.

"If we can't go back to your place, where do we go?" Brooke asked, receiving a confused look from Kiwi.

"The hospital. I don't think a few bandages will help Kenny." I answered.

Time Skip~

When arriving at the hospital, Kenny was immediately taken to the emergency room and so we couldn't follow. The three of us sat in the waiting room silently. Looking over to the two of them, they didn't look too worried but it didn't mean that they weren't.

A rush of footsteps were getting louder and so I looked up to see the rest of the girls with even more worried looks on their faces. Looking at each of them, the only ones that looked one-hundred percent were Dom and Jumi, while the rest  looked exhausted and beaten.

All at once, they asked about Kenny." She's just in the emergency room but she'll be fine, I know it." I reassured. The worry had reduced but not completely which was absolutely fine.

"What happened?" Tiger asked after they all say down. I looked over to Kiwi to explain and she nodded in response.

She explained everything in as much detail as possible. How she was just at school to finished an assignment. How Wildcat pushed her which led to Kenny seeing it and—

"—Well, she just went AWOL on Wildcat." Kiwi finished.

"Did you do anything after that?" Fox asked, the question on the verge of sounding rude.

"That's the problem; I couldn't do anything." She answered back." When Kenny is like this, no one can really do anything."

"So how does she go back to normal?" Tiger asked.

"When she hurts the one who hurt me." Kiwi said simply.

After that, it became silent once again as everyone was processing what Kiwi had just told us. By the looks everyone had on their faces, it was clear that no one had a clue about this.

"Who is here for Miss Kendall Bishop?" The female doctor asked. When she saw us all stood up, a look of surprise appeared on her face before she went back to her neutral face.

"Is she okay?" Kiwi asked, beating us to it.

"She's fine enough to leave tonight. The worst damage was a dislocated shoulder which we've already placed back and a few broken ribs. Everything else are minor injuries. She'll fully recover in about a week and I've already given her a prescription to help quicken the recovery time." The doctor explained." I'll show you to her room." She said before she started walking.

As we all followed behind, I forgot to ask about something," Wait, so what happened to you guys?" The look that half of them sent me told me exactly what—or who in this case.

But if that meant all the members of Vanoss Crew were busy trying to get answers out of each of the girls, that meant that someone else must've vandalised my home and left that invitation...

Another chapter done and I hope you guys enjoyed!

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