Chapter 5

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The girls ended up sleeping over since we were playing video games all night. These girls really know how to play since I got my ass handed to me half the time. At first we started shooting and killing each other in GTA V then we played some Hide & Seek on PC. Luckily, I had enough computers for everyone and we all couldn't see each other's screens. Lastly, we play some good old CoD zombie maps which I suck at and we eventually beat the map. It only took forever since I kept dying which we all thought was funny.

All of us ended up sleeping the game room on the floor. Kiwi helped me get some blankets and pillows for everyone before falling asleep here. When I woke up, everyone except Kiwi were sound asleep.

Where's Kiwi?

I knew I couldn't go back to sleep once I'm awake so I just got up and decided to make some breakfast for them before they leave.

When I was walking down the stairs, I could hear someone singing Can't Feel My Face by The Weeknd. It could've only been one person who could be singing and I was right when I stood at the door of the kitchen, watching Kiwi sing and cook at the same time. Luckily her back was facing me so she couldn't see me.

Wow, she has a really nice voice.

While she was singing, I couldn't help but sing and dance silently in the background like he did in the video. Kiwi remained oblivious until she plated all the food and was about to put it onto the island. She screamed in surprise and I stopped dancing. Somehow, the food in her hand didn't drop or anything.

"Oh my gosh, you scared me Nyssa." She said, composing herself and putting the plate of pancakes onto the island." Wait, how long were you there?" She asked.

"Long enough to know that you have a really nice voice." I said and started dancing again to the music in my head. She blushed before laughing at me dancing.

"Can you sing?" She asked as I stopped dancing once again.

"Does sounding like a cat dying count?" I asked then she laughed. I was half serious since I really can't sing and I sorta do sound like a cat dying.

"Well at least you can dance." She said politely.

"Why thank you." I said and bowed in mock." C'mon, let's put the good onto the table." I said, picking up the batch of pancakes while Kiwi got a few plates out.

When we did, Kenny and Brooke had come down.

"Guys hungry?" Kiwi asked the two girls who had just woke up. They both nodded before taking a seat.

Time Skip~

"Thanks for the sleepover even though it wasn't really planned." Brooke said as we were all walking towards the door.

"Yeah, that was awesome!" Kenny said and Kiwi nodded in agreement.

"There's one more thing we wanted to say," Kiwi started.

"We just wanted to apologise about what happened at school." Brooke said.

"Yeah, that was a real dick move of us to do that." Kenny added.

I thought over for a second about their apology," You know you guys don't have to apologise." I said." But honestly, you guys don't seem like the type of people who would swoon over a group of guys like that."

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