Chapter 1

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Nyssa's Point of View~

Oh my gosh, when is the bell gonna ring? I looked over to the clock for like the millionth time and felt like it hasn't even moved an inch. The teacher was blabbing on about something as I sat there, twirling the pen between my fingers.

"I know Vanoss is so hot." I heard a girl say not far from where I was sitting. Her other airhead friends nodded in agreement and giggled.

I've only been here for almost a week and every single day, people would always talk about Vanoss Crew. They would always say how great they are and all that. Don't get me wrong, I'm not jealous or anything. It's just so annoying. 

But at times, I couldn't help but listen to a few of these conversations just so I could find out something new about Vanoss Crew. But like I said before, they just talk about how great they are or how hot they are or which one would they would date etc.

But on the bright side...yeah there is no bright side.

The bell rang and I couldn't be any happier. As quick as lightning, I was already out the door.

"Hey, wait for me Nyssa!" Brooke called as she was still in class.

"Sorry, I just really wanted to leave already." I said. The two of us started walking, on our way to leave school.

"Yeah fair enough." Brooke said reasonably.

As I was walking, someone pushed me from behind and I ended up bumping into someone. The person who pushed me into someone was already gone.

"Sorry 'bout that." I said to the girl wearing pink and yellow stripped tights, cream white shorts, Guns n Roses sleeveless tee, white combat boots, fox hoodie and hooped earrings. With her pastel blue wavy hair, indigo eyes, palish-tan skin and outfit, I found her very...out there.

"Yeah you should be sorry." She said rudely and kept walking, bumping into me along the way. My fists clenched and I started to go after her until Brooke put her hand on my arm.

"It's not worth it." Brooke said then let go of my arm." You wouldn't want to mess with her anyways."

"You should say the same thing to her." I sneered.

"Hey look, I can see Kenny and Kiwi." Brooke said and pointed to the entrance of the school, completely changing the subject which I was thankful for. I didn't really need to be mad right now.

But before we could catch up to them, a bunch of girls ran in the opposite direction of us.

Ugh, must be Vanoss Crew

I was correct when I turned around and spotted them in between some people.

First was Vanoss, the leader of the group. Always wearing those stupid aviators on his face and that stupid red jacket. He's a douche made of muscle.

Next was H20 Delirious. He's always been compared to Jason Voheers since he always wears that hockey mask. Most people are right once they see and hear how crazy Delirious is. But he's still a mystery to everyone.

Third was Wildcat. He's pretty much the typical jock, the only difference was that he was smart and actually funny from what I've heard.

Mini Ladd was next. I'm not sure where the hell he's from since his accent is so confusing. He's the type of guy who speaks without thinking about what he's gonna say. It could either be the greatest or the most offensive or dumbest thing you've ever heard. Actually, that goes for everything else he does.

Lui Calibre is one interesting character. He would always act like a little kid and does a squeaker voice to go with it. He's a real tech genius or what I like to call it; hacker.

I only have two words to describe Daithi De Nogla; Loud and Irish.

I have no idea how Moo Snukel joined them. He's very awkward around people but he has his moments. And he's the nicest one out of the whole group.

BasicallyIDoWrk is the mischievous one in the group. Just watch your back every ten seconds when he's around is what I heard.

SilentDroidd usually isn't there with them but is still considered to be apart of Vanoss Crew. Like Lui, Droidd always does those imitations and like Moo, he's also one of the nicest people you'll meet.

Last is Terroriser. He's also Irish but just not as ridiculous as Nogla. He's a real flirt and can't help it. Well majority of the crew are but he's just the worst out of all of them.

I just realised they don't even use their real names. But I remember my friends telling me once not to say it since they get really pissed, except for Lui since that's actually his name. I find that funny since I actually don't know any of their names.

I don't like them. Simple as that.

Not because they're the most popular people in school or anything, it's just that there's something's off about them. Something bad.

I've only been here for almost a week and I already know all this about them. All of this information was either from my friends or when I ease drop on people's conversation.

"C'mon we have to go." I said." I am not spending the rest of the day here watching you guys stare at them."

"What's your problem?" Kenny asked.

"My problem is-"

"Oh, Wildcat is looking this way!" She squealed, interrupting me. My eye started twitching in frustration but I quickly composed myself.

"It's not that bad." Kiwi said, trying to reason with me and noticing the frustration.

"Uh yeah, actually it is." I retorted. I felt slightly bad saying that since technically, I wasn't really mad at her.

"Oh my gosh, they're walking this way!" A random girl called.

No, I can't do this anymore I thought and started leaving." What is so great about them anyways?" I growled before leaving.

I didn't realised how loud I said that since I didn't notice the heads that snapped into my direction.

Yeah, I don't know much about SilentDroidd.

Hope you guys liked it:)

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