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Dedicated to UnicornFartGlitter . Not because I know her or anything; she just inspires me to write.

Chapter 1

I have done a lot of bad in my life. I've made a lot of mistakes; have hurt many people, those I loved and those I've never met. On this page, I write my last confession; read it well.

It was that breezy autumn day I've always loved. Weak wind blew against my cold skin. The air was fresher than usual, but it wasn't perfect. Something always felt wrong with the air. I knew it was just my imagination, or so I thought.

I couldn't resist walking home through the forest. It's big and complicated, stretching all around the town, but it's not my first time. It's the longest way home, though it takes me exactly in front of my backyard. I didn't realize at that moment how irresponsible I was being.

My surroundings were calm and quiet, not a leaf moved around me. Colorful leaves were covering the ground like a carpet with a few broken branches every here and there.

There are no animals or birds in here due to the fact that they made a lot of people in the town uncomfortable, so the Government either made them leave, or killed. It's terrible, but still better than what could happen to me if there still were any animals left.

I noticed that my way home turned out to be longer than it was supposed to.

I looked down at my wristwatch that I've been wearing since the day I was born - the Timer given to me by the Government. They're given to each child at birth and they're counting down to a major life event that is supposed to change your life in some way. The worst part is, no one knows what this event will be. It could be anything from finding a lost parent to curing a beggar or even dying. Once the numbers read 16 years, four months, 7 hours and 23 minutes, but right now it has reached eleven minutes. I hoped I'd get home by the time it goes off so I'd have a calm life-changing event, but I suppose it'll happen before I get there.

I can't help but wonder what it will be. Well, who can? For my parents it was rather easy. My mom's Timer went off when she was 19, right before she got an operation on her eyes. She was born almost blind and by the operation she now can see better than me. My father's timer went off at his 23rd, when he bumped into my mother. My father's major life event was meeting my mother and I don't know how this story can turn out sweeter.

I hope I will get one of the events like theirs. I'd be grateful if suddenly I got cured of the disease I didn't know I had, or maybe met my soulmate. It sucks not knowing.

Rays of sunlight flowed through the leaves and branches of tall trees like golden rivers. There were very few of them, due to how dark and thick this forest is. I've been here quite a few times, but I can remember my way home. At least I hope so...

It's a minute left on my Timer and I haven't gotten anywhere near home yet. To be honest, I don't remember ever walking here. It doesn't matter right now. What actually matters is that my major life event is right in front of me. Has to be...

Maybe it actually is a soulmate? A handsome guy walking in the woods all fearless and waiting for me? To be honest, I'd rather have my life-changing event something more important than a guy.

30 seconds... I really wish I knew what it was. What if I suddenly get attacked and killed? Maybe this is my life change? I sure hope not...

20 seconds... Something seems off... I really hope I'm not lost.

15 seconds... I really don't remember ever walking here before.

10 seconds.. Maybe I should go that way? Or maybe I should turn right? There is nothing to hold on to...

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