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Chapter 9

I panicked, looking around the room for anything to save me. I quickly picked up the picture that had fallen out of the broken frame. I put it on the table and started picking up the glass. I felt my thumb burn and let go of the piece of glass that I was holding, putting the cut thumb into my mouth.

"What did you brake?" Dice called out and entered.

I stood up with a look of guilt on my face.

"I'm sorry," I said, stopping sucking on my thumb. "I will buy you another frame, any time you want! It just slid out of my hands."

"It's okay," he said and came to help pick up glass.

I stared down at my thumb that had stopped bleeding and bent down to help him, but he had taken all, so I stood up and stared down at a picture left without a frame.

"I'll buy you another one, I promise!" I said.

"You talk like it's a big deal. It's just a frame."

"Yeah, but it's your family."

"Just an empty reminder of what I don't have anymore. It's better you broke it, I couldn't get rid of it on my own," he said and put the picture in the drawer.

I would never understand this guy.

He left to throw out the broken glass, leaving me alone in the room. I look down and saw red drops on the floor. It couldn't be from my thumb, it wasn't that fatal, so I followed Dice to see how deep his cuts were.

I was nearing the trash can where he stood when I heard him curse under his breath.

"Show me," I said and stood next to him. I froze in my place. His hands were bleeding in four or five different places, making his palms red.

"That's nothing," he said and turned around to go back.

"It's anything but nothing!" I said. "Let me help."

"I don't need any help," he said with certain coldness in his voice and he entered the bathroom to wash down.

I decided to leave him alone. I wouldn't push him to let me help him if he didn't want that. If he wanted to clean up all of that on his own, I wouldn't stand in his way. I hope it's nothing serious, but it as well may be - his hands were overbleeding.

I looked inside the bathroom and saw his back as he washed down the blood. I turned around and left.

I went into his closet to take a shirt to sleep in - he at least let me do that. The closet was filled with the scent of his cologne. My ego was the only thing holding me from sniffing everything up and down. I looked everything and picked up the most simple white T-shirt. I closed the door to change. I put my things on a chair and lied down in the bed. In his bed.

Everything around me smelled like him. The shirt I wore carried his scent, but not as strong as the bed. His pillow smelled amazing. A little sweet, a little cold, a little daring. I understood that cologne had nothing to do with him. His scent was natural; it was the smell that he was born with and may I add, it was amazing.

I pulled the sheets all the way up to my chin and breathed in.

He was so closed up in himself it was getting irritating. Although he had all the right to not even tell me his last name - which he hadn't - since I was a complete stranger, I felt like he knew me more than I knew him and a feeling of dissatisfaction ate me up. I fell asleep thinking about him.

The next morning I woke up not knowing what time of day it was. I had to rummage through my clothes to find my phone and look at the clock. 9:05. I quickly changed and brushed through my hair with my fingers to look at least a little bit acceptable. I left Dice's shirt nicely put on top of his bed and left the room. I looked around to find any sign of him, but there was none. He was probably still asleep. Or maybe he was already outside, blowing up the Gov Castle. Depends on his mood.

The DestroyerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora