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Chapter 18

I understood why I was so dangerous. I could not only manipulate water - the strongest element, but also fire - the second strongest, earth and air - third and the last strongest elements. I could control the whole nature. I was the nature.

Okay, no, not letting it get to my head.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"You don't just get a random power. There's so much you still don't know... The powers are genetical. Not exact same, but similar. For example Damien has technology manipulation while Mara, his siter, has technological learning. Set her at the computer for an hour and she'll be smarter than any human being. In our case it is the exact same."

So she's the nature, too.

"How do you know? Maybe I only have water."

"That's impossible."

"How can you be so sure?"

Aunt sighed and rubbed her temples. "Sometimes I imagine my stubbornness isn't shared with you. We'll start training in an hour. Take a rest, Damien will stay with you, we need Dice for something."

I nodded and lied back down on the couch. I hadn't realized how my headache has grown. You don't really notice anything when you're told you have three more superpowers. People should save shocking news for the times that I'm hurt, it works like a painkiller.

"You don't have to babysit me," I told Damien when everyone left and we were alone. "If you have something to do, you can leave me."

"I'll stay," he said and stood up from the chair to sit on the floor next to me.

He'll stay. Damien stays with me. Damien the hot genius stays with me. I'm happy he can't read minds.

"What do they need Dice for?" I asked him and immediately decided I didn't want to know. I remembered his betreyal. I wasn't going to forget that.

"They want to check the quality of his powers," he said in that deep male voice that had always made me drool.

"Tell me something," I said after a long silence, staring at the ceiling.

"Like what?" He asked, looking at me.

"I don't know. Whatever you want. Whatever you want to remember when you have a concussion."

He was silent for a moment, then he smiled.

"Ask me something else."

I was left surprised. Mysterious among all else? That's a full set.

I wanted to push him, but then I remembered something else.

"How did they make the sun fall?"

"They didn't make it fall, it's an illusion."

I turned my head to look at him. He understood I was asking him to continue, so he did.

"It's not the actual sky. The Gov has made a bunch of domes to trap the city in. Some are making winter days warmer, some are making summer days colder. Some protect us from storms or global warming. It turns out they have another dome that makes us think it's night all the time. It's like a hologram. You'll see the real sky as soon as you leave the city."

He confused me even more.

"But aunt said the absence of the sun radiation broke the machine that was keeping her in coma."

He nodded. "The dome is protecting us from the sun at this moment, making it seem like it's disappeared. It releases chemicals into the city that balance the radiation the way they want it. Same goes with rain. It might be storming outside and we'll only see a drizzle."

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