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Chapter 25

I didn't know what Damien did, didn't know what he risked to send me this video and that note, but whatever it was I couldn't let it turn into a waste of time and energy.

The screen returned to its normal position of showing the cameras and I guessed the video was already long deleted by Damien.

What did they do to my memoroes? How do I get them back?

All the corridors were empty as the cameras showed. I clicked through some rooms and so were they. I found a camera to stage -9, which I didn't know existed. Everyone was ushered there, it looked like a quarantine. Even President Wing was there. They looked scared, worried and lost. It looked like Damien put some effort in making all those people believe there was something dangerous in the building.

I looked at the camera in the corner of the Control Room, positive Damien was watching. I smiled at him, letting him know I understood it was all his doing. I returned my attention back to the computer and searched for anyone I knew. I saw Dice exiting a conference room with Stew. on the first floor my aunt walked with Mara. Shade was with one of the guards on the highest level and all the others were in different rooms and stages. One of the guards I didn't know was watching something on the computer of one of the offices. I guessed it was the recording of him, the same type that Damien sent me. I had to tell all those people to gather together somehow. I needed Damien.

I opened a word document and typed in a question: Are there speakers in the building?

I waited. The words soon started deleting on their own and typing something else. Only one word. Yes.

I think I've just found a way to communicate with Damien.

I typed another question: Can you turn them off for -9?

More than a minute passed until the letters started deleting and an answer popped up: Done.

I mouthed a thank you to the camera and moved my wheelchair to another computer that held a microphone. I found a device next to it that I've seen in my school's principal's office. Mr. Pare used it to announce throughout the school that one of the teachers was called in.

I turned it on and and spoke in the microphone. "Everyone gather in the conference office on stage 4. It's Ruby. See you there in a minute. Make sure to use stairs."

They all stopped to listen to me and as soon as I was finished they went towards the stairs. I stood up, too and went to meet them. When I entered the conference room almost everyone was already there except for Dice and Stew.

Shade went to hug me as soon as he saw me. "I was worried." He whispered in my ear.

I tightened my hug before letting him go. In a second Dice and Stew entered. I wrapped my arms around Dice. He stood firmly like his leg wasn't shot yesterday, or whenever it was. When I pulled out and turned around to look at everyone they were waiting for me patiently, eager to hear what I had to say.

"I think you've all watched the recordings of you," I said.

Some of them didn't even look surprised, as if they knew everyone else had gotten the video, but some of them looked around confused, thinking they were the only ones.

"Probably none of us got the full picture of the events, so we should share our videos to build up our lost memories," I said and gestured for them to sit around the round table.

Shade was first to speak up. "After being slept with you I woke up in a cell on stage -2. A dog was holding the keys and I spent almost an hour trying to make him come closer. Eventually he did and I escaped. I met you all on the stairs. I didn't really understand what we did in the control room."

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