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Chapter 8

"I used to draw this," I muttered to Dice who had joined me, though I had no idea when. "I used to draw this when I was a child. Probably four years old, or six maybe."

"You were drawing a picture at six years old, ten years before the children of the whole world started drawing it? You're in some deeper trouble than I am. Never thought I'd say that..."

"But I don't even know what it means!"

"They don't care. I can imagine president Wing screaming right now to find you or she'll kill everyone in her sight."

"What if they find me?"

"They haven't found me for years, what could possibly lead them to finding us now?"

"Well, I'm not going to stay here forever, am I?"

"No, of course not. Just until it's safe."

"You don't understand. I have to get home. My brother's probably going mad right now. My mom will be worried, too. I have to at least let them know I'm alright."

"Just chill down a little, okay? The school hours haven't even ended yet."

He was right. I wanted to be alive more than I wanted my family to stop worrying and I don't believe this is selfish.

Dice had cooked pasta and I was grateful to finally properly eat something after refusing to touch oil and flour. It felt weird sitting next to him, whose name I first heard half hour ago, who saved me from the Government that had been hunting him, too, and who trusted me enough to take a stranger to his home. Maybe I'm not even a stranger to him anymore, he had been following me for so long. I didn't know if I should be creeped out or grateful. So I just ate in silence.

I would never forgive myself if he got hurt because of me. It would probably be because of himself and what he did to anger President Wing so much, but anyways, if they found his secret underground "house" while searching for me, it'd be my fault.

Dice and I had a lot in common, more than I would ever admit to myself. We both found the additive, though I have no idea how he did it. Was it his major life event, too? Or maybe his Timer went off long before that, or is still counting down. I will find that out eventually, but not right now. Too much information and too many questions all at once. Dice and I also both have some serious troubles with the President. Did she kidnap Dice too for a few minutes, or was it just for me? Maybe she didn't even ask questions and tried to kill him immediately? Dice and I also both had unique eyes. Maybe all of the eyes in this country are unique, but only we have discovered them. We also both discovered a lot of things as we stopped eating. Powers, for example. I'm sure - at least I hope - he has them too.

"Do you have any powers?" I asked him, no longer able to hold the questions. He could at least answer this one.

He smirked at me and suddenly, his voice sounded in my thoughts just like the time when he told me to elbow the policeman, or whoever he was.

"How do you think?" His voice said in my mind.

"You're a mind reader!" I exclaimed. I hoped I hadn't thought about anything inappropriate in his presence.

"No you haven't," he said with a grin. "Except for how awesome I am."

I pursed my lips at him. "I have never said that. Even in my mind."

"Well you will after this one," he said and something moved in the corner of the room. I looked at the moving object and saw the head of a piano lift. Suddenly, the keys pushed theirselves and a melody sounded through the room. A melody I've already heard. Maybe in a TV, maybe a concert. It was a happy, but slow melody. A melody reminding me of how the things used to be a while back. Suddenly I wondered how aunt Cora was. Probably the same as before.

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