Chapter Fourteen: the start of a demons memory

Start from the beginning

"I'm going to my friends house after school," he heard a kid say to another.

"Friend?" Natsu mumbled, intently thinking of its meaning. He always though him and the demons were friends but, this all seemed different somehow.

Natsu wanted to go closer and play with them. He always tried to back at the guild but, no one was up for it. He started walking over without thinking till he heard a voice. He turned around to see.

A young woman came up to him with a kind smile, "hi, my name is miss. Kimura. What is your name?" She bent down to match his height.

He blushes, "my... my name is Natsu Dragneel..."

"Natsu... meaning summer. What a perfect name." Her smile was sweet, her eyes filled with kindness and light, "do you go to school here? I've never seen you."

"No, I don't go to any school. I'm more like home schooled. What kind of things to do you learn here?"

"A little bit of everything, reading, writing, science, art, history, and math. Then later on we teach the students magic. It's a school for wizards but, I can tell you can use magic."

"I can! I use fire!" He shouts with excitement, his fists lighting on fire.

She laughs softly, "you seem pretty good at it for your age. Would you like to go to this school?"

"That's would be great!" He was happy then his body slumped with sadness, "I don't think my brother will let me...." He looks down at his feet.

"Well, all you can do is ask. I hope it works out. You seem really smart. It'd be nice to have a student like you."

"Will I get friends?" He smiles.

"Many friends."

His eyes turned huge, "I want that so much. I'll defiantly talk to him!" He turns and leaves back to the guild to find Zeref.

When he reaches it, his brother was waiting for him. His face showed worry and anger.

"Where were you?" He asks

"Adventuring," he answers with his famous grin.

"Really now? Where did you go?" He bends down to him and smiles, "you're all dirty."

"I was in the woods," he says matter of fact.

The black wizard laughs for a second, "I told you not to leave here. How far did you go? You're probably cold. You forgot you're jacket." He slips it onto his little brother.

"I guess I was cold slightly. You'll be mad at me if I tell you were I went but, I have no choice. I have to tell you," he smiles was huge, "I went to that small town near here. They have a school. I saw other kids my age and I talked with a teacher I think."

His brother looked terrified, "oh..."

"What's wrong?"

"It isn't safe for you out there... it's not time for you to be exposed to the world."

"But, I'm ready." He pouts.

"I know that you think you are but, you don't fully understand. Someday you will. You'll leave here when it's time to find me."

"I don't want you to leave..."

"I know. It's hard for me too but, you need to fulfill your destiny. You remember it right?"

"How could I forget, you and Mard Geer remind me everyday," Natsu says it with irritation.

"I'm sorry," he smiles tenderly.

"I want to go to school." The demon tells him, trying to sound brave.

"You cant...." depression showed on his older brothers face.

"Please.... I want to... so badly... I'm sick of doing the same thing everyday. Please..." Tears were falling from the little boys face.

Zeref couldn't say no to that face. He didn't want to hurt him. They were finally together again after so long, "fine.... you can go. What do I have to do to get you enrolled?"

"We can go to the school tomorrow." His face brightens up and he grins again. Zeref lived for that smile.

"Alright. You got it. You'll be a student."

"You're the best! I can't wait!" The brothers hug for a long time. Zeref was scared of how his magic was going to react in that town but, he had to do this. He wanted his brother to feel happiness and do what he was always meant to do when he was human. His littke brother Natsu was going to school.


"I can't imagine a demon caring about going to school," Lucy says.

E.N.D didn't tell her anything about the memories that just flashed into his mind, "well, I'm a special demon. Different than any of zeref's creations. From awakening as a kid who was once human and still having those memories, I felt human emotions even though Mard Geer always thought it being bad. He eventually convinced zeref of it..."

Lucy was shocked, "you really feel things? What Raynare was saying was true?"

He scoffs, "not really. It's hard to explain. Us demons are driven to destroy zeref and the world. We are supposed to be obsessed with it. We can't help it."

"You can always have a choice."

"No, it was the reason we were created. It's in our blood so to say... it's not a choice, it's fate and destiny. There's no way to run away from it. It's how our minds work."

"That's sad..."

He didn't know what to say to that. She was right. It was sad but, he didn't want to admit it to her.

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