30.Her Decision II

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"Better I suppose" She said. He sat the flowers down on the blanket and took a seat beside her bed.

"I got these for you; I figured...I don't know; you'd like some color. Only I got to the apartment and you weren't there..." he didn't miss the monitors that were attached to her, or her bump that she was caressing and suddenly the sound he'd heard became clear and he had to fight to contain himself, getting up and pacing the room.

"I had a little emergency but..."

"You're pregnant!" Olivia suddenly went quiet for a moment and kept her eyes on her belly.

"Yeah..." She said in almost a whisper, feeling some shame at the situation and she ran her hand nervously over her bump. Brian forced himself to sit again at her bedside and took a deep breath, still unable to look at her.

"I didn't know; I didn't... Why didn't you tell me?" He finally looked up at her with tears in his eyes.

"I didn't tell anyone but Fin; I couldn't...I was asha... I couldn't." Her voice was barely heard.

"What are you gonna do?"

"...I didn't know at first but now I do...I'm going to keep her." She said chewing her lip so hard that it started to bleed.

"And what if that's a mistake? Having his baby; Liv you don't wanna bring that kind of..."

"You mean like me?"

"I just meant-"

She turned her head to the side, towards the window so he wouldn't see her tears, but they fell so fast and hard down her face that it was impossible to hide them. "You don't understand" she said quietly; holding her bump with both hands while the tears continued.

"Then Liv..." He said somewhat harsher than he meant to. "make me understand; cuz I'm trying but I can't see for the life of me why you'd wanna..."

"I can't do this right now!" Her breathing had become agitated and the baby's heart rate was slowly increasing.

"I only meant that-"

"Brian please..." When she felt a familiar pain in her abdomen when one had come just 20 minutes before, she pressed the call button just as Nick came in.

"Liv, you okay?" He asked as the nurse came in.

"I'm having a contract-" She cried out.

"Contraction?" Brian started

"Everybody, out!" The nurse ordered.

"Look, that's only 20 minutes since the last one, you gotta do..." Nick said.

"And we will but right now I need you both out!" She said as she paged the doctor. "Olivia honey you'll be alright!"


In the hall...

"What the hell did you do!?" Nick screamed at Brian as he grabbed him by the collar and pushed him against the wall.

"I just talked to her you ass!" He said, pushing Nick off of him and straightening his shirt and leather jacket. "Nice going, btw, telling me she's pregnant; what the fuck man?!"

"I called to tell you the day you left town but you couldn't be bothered!" Nick shouted, his finger pointed in Brian's face. He quickly realized how loud he was being and stepped back a couple of feet as he looked around.


"I called you, three weeks ago" he said now keeping his voice down. "to tell you that she was in trouble!"

Daddy - An SVU ficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora