74. His endgame

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Chapter 74.

"They didn't give their names on the news, but they're Emiko and Plumm... Emiko being the older girl?

"How did you...?" Olivia wondered out loud.

"Because I think I may be their mother..."

"Before this goes any further. I'm gonna go." Olivia said, though she wanted more than anything to stay. If this young lady was telling the truth, hell, even if she wasn't... "I'm not a police officer; not anymore."

"But you were. You're the sergeant who was kidnapped a couple of years ago, right? Olivia Benson... you had a great reputation before you left the force. I just wish you could've helped me back then; it's why I chose to come here, instead of the FBI," Haru told them. "You people care and I need people who'll care..."

"Miss Abara-"

"Haru, please."

"Haru," Fin corrected. "If you are their mom...what are you hoping to accomplish?"

"This has kept me up at night, wondering, going back to such a disturbing past and having to relive it. Some days I thought about them and I wondered; maybe life was doing me and them favors by keeping us apart, wherever they were. When I saw them on TV, it was brief, but the FBI was coming out of that hotel with these two little girls in their arms wrapped in blankets. It just happened to catch my attention and I wasn't sure, but I couldn't get over how much they looked like me a long time ago."

She went on to tell Fin and Olivia that the story drove her crazy, especially when she went looking for it online and printed out that brief shot of the girls. It had been promised that they had gone to good homes after they'd been born, but to see them together and knowing that they'd been sold to a pedophlie crushed Haru's whole world.

When she was just eleven years old, tired of the physical, mental and horrible sexual abuse she suffered at the hands of her mom and father for years, Haru who was three months pregnant by her father father, ran away from home. On the streets, she hitched rides from questionable guys and did some questionable things that she as a woman should not have been made to do, much less being a minor child. She traveled all the way from Florida up to Maryland this way, trading sex in exchange for rides, the occasional meal or a few dollars here and there. In Maryland, she was sleeping in a bus station and that was where she met a thirty-two year old man who was so sick and evil, he made her father seem like a boy scout. His name was Jack Donaldson.

Immediately, he began a sexual relationship with Haru and eventually would ask her to sleep with people he said he owed money to, and Haru did it. She didn't want Jack to be hurt by these supposed men, but in a short time, he outright prostitute her. At eleven and a half, she had been with so many men she couldn't count them. Jack made sure that she'd do anything he wanted just to feel wanted and loved and he took full advantage of her in the worst ways. Then, at just seven months pregnant, after being beaten by a john that Jack had stolen from, she went into premature labor and gave birth to a son in a motel. The baby didn't survive, born blue. Jack took him and the placenta out to the woods and buried him. Over the next two years, Jack continued to pimp her out, and she got pregnant twice more- the father was anybody's guess.

After Emiko was born to her at twelve (turns out, their names were spelled wrong by ACS), Haru wanted to keep her, but Jack convinced her to give the baby up, telling her that he knew a couple who was desperate for a baby. Besides, she was nothing but a junkie whore and a kid. How could she take care of a baby? He convinced her that she couldn't give Emiko any kind of life and at first she refused, but after reminding her that she had customers and several beatings later, she relented and Jack took Emiko away, she was a week old. Less than a year later, he did the same thing with Plumm. Haru held on to her for almost two weeks, but Jack had taken her when Haru was entertaining customers, and soon after Jack took Plumm away, he got arrested for speeding, which led to discovering his many warrants, including one for a murder that happened seven years ago. and Haru was lost. When he got arrested, the other girls Jack had, they walked away and got with other pimps, the younger ones ended up with men like Abernathy but almost all of them continued that life until it took them.

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