76. Back from the other side ll

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Chapter 76

This was it. Two years, and all the secret-keeping had only dug him a grave. He saw it on her face which went blank, her eyes right along with it.


"Don't!" She said quietly, calmly (a little too calm if you'd asked him). She simply got up from where she had been sitting, and walked out of the kitchen with Elliot right on her heels.

"Liv, just...let me explain!"

"Explain what?" She asked, getting riled but being mindful of the babies that were asleep just upstairs. "Explain how you lied to me for two years?"

"It wasn't exactly-"

"Elliot so help me god, if you say that it wasn't a lie I will lose my shit! You knew that she was alive and you said nothing!"

"I didn't think that you'd be able to handle it. You had just gone through a traumatic birth, and a horrible ordeal with daddy and his batshit daughter/wife...I thought if I could alleviate some of your pain-"

"So you lied to me... for two years?" And she again snatched her arm away when he made an attempt to softly touch her hand. "I said don't!"

Elliot quickly backed away, his hands momentarily raised in surrender. "Okay..." She didn't want him near her because right now she was repulsed by him. "I swear, it was always my intention to tell you the truth eventually,"

"Eventually? When? And say what...this- bullshit that you've been feeding me since you got here? Who are you, even?"

That stripped a layer from him, "what do you mean who am I? I'm your husband, the one who's always had your back; even now. Even though you can't see it through your an-"

She cut him off with her hysterical laughter. Laughter that made him suddenly pay attention to her obvious hurt. "The man that I love, cherish, the man who makes me feel so safe and loved; the one I could always count on to tell me the truth and hold me to it...where is that man? Because all I see in front of me now is a liar! A liar who's trying to make excuses for what he's done!"

Reeling from the accusation, "...regardless of what you think, I only did this to protect you. After Serena was born, you were so on edge; doubting your ability to mother the child you had just given birth to, hell, you were doubting your ability to keep living! I may have been wrong in telling you a lie and keeping Bronwyn's true condition from you, but you needed that lie, it gave you peace-of-mind and under the same circumstances, I wouldn't hesitate to do it again! Hell, I wonder if i did the right thing in telling you now; that bitch is lying in the hospital pretending to have amnesia!"

That last part shocked her! She was just tired of everything; of Joanie, of having to host Harlan's doppelganger and now, tired of this... Elliot trying to explain away why he lied to her two years ago. And now she wakes up to play pretend? Olivia was literally at her last straw.

"Where is she?" she demanded.

"I don't think-"

"Elliot, you have lied to me for two years so I'm not interested in what you think. Where is she??" she said, almost screaming.

Elliot looked at her, feeling her anger radiate from her. He wanted to tell her again how sorry he was, wanted to tell her that he made a mistake; a huge one and that if she would just give him a chance...but she had officially reached her limit today and couldn't hear another word except for what she was now demanding from him.

"Cornell Medical, but you don't need-"

"You arrogant bastard, don't you dare presume to know what I need!" and she grabbed her coat from the rack by the door and walked out, angrily slamming it behind her.

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