50.Waiting It Out

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Chapter 50 and I can't believe it; if you guys only knew how many times I almost gave up on this story...but here we are. So the story's gonna be wrapping up soon, not yet, but I wanna say thanks to everybody for reading. Anyway, here's the chapter, enjoy.


Morning, though Olivia didn't know it and she was going crazy from being locked in this room! She'd tried to remain calm but how could she when the last time she was in a room with no way out, she was raped repeatedly for three months?

She knew that Bronwyn said no harm would come to her, but she didn't believe her; and even if she did, that was only for the time that she remained with child. Her doctor said she would deliver in a week at most and though Bronwyn didn't know that yet, she would soon when Olivia went into labor. What would happen to me then? She wondered. Would she try to kill me? She thought, rubbing her belly anxiously. It didn't matter; what did matter was that she would try to take the baby and although Olivia didn't plan on keeping her, she couldn't let that happen.

"What are you saying?" She asked to herself. "They'll find you before then, you have to have faith!" But what if they didn't? She thought just as easily. "You can't stay here!"

"This little one is stubborn!" The doctor said her at her last appointment, a week ago as Olivia lay back on the exam table and the doctor performed yet another ultrasound.

"She hasn't moved, has she?" Olivia asked, somewhat disappointed.

"Well, if you want to count changing sides..." The doctor laughed.

"But she's..."

"...still in a breech position." The doctor informed them as she took the transducer over Olivia's belly. "As you can see, her back is cradled right at your cervix."

"What does that mean as far as me giving birth; will I need a caesarian?"

"It's tricky. You can certainly try for a vaginal delivery; I'm never one of those doctors to say impossible-"

"But?" Olivia asked, knowing that one was coming.

"But it's pretty much impossible! With the way she's positioned; we're talking a very tough delivery that can become very dangerous, very quickly. So if you do choose to try for a normal birth, I'm going to have the team on standby for a caesarian."

She thought about that last talk she'd had with her doctor and just to be on the safe side of things, she'd opted for a c-section, but now that she was here...

"You've gotta get out!" She said, getting up from the bed with a hand on her back and wincing as she started walking. That pain that she felt last night, she'd had one, now two every hour since then and she didn't know if this was the beginning of labor, but the pains felt different and if it was labor, she didn't have time to waste! That, and she had no idea what Bronwyn could have in store for her.

When she felt tears, she quickly wiped them away "Cry later Olivia." She said to herself and kept walking, making her way to the door to try and hear something but all she got was dead silence.

"It's soundproof" Beach house said from where she sat in the big, comfy chair, her feet up on the ottoman. Olivia looked twice and blinked her shock. "Nice chair!"

"Not you two gain!"

"Oh come on, admit it" Sealview said from behind Olivia, causing her to jump as she walked over to the bed. "You've missed us!"

Olivia stood at the door and for a moment, just looked at the two of them. She knew that they were in her head, she wasn't crazy and instead of entertaining them with conversation, she turned back to the door, looking for something, a flaw in the design that would let her out.

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