epilogue part 1

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tw: smut

3 months later

Luke knew he found his happiness the moment Michael confessed his liking for him.

He knew he found his forever when Michael said I love you back last week.

The last three months flew by but they've loved every second of it.

Michael never felt more accepted than when Luke was looking him straight in the eyes, listening to every word he said, respected and understood every decision and supported everything he wanted to do or say.

Luke on the other hand finally found someone who wanted him for him and not for sex or their own pleasure.

Kissing and cuddling Michael was everything to Luke, sleeping on Michael's chest with his strong hands tightly secured around him was his favorite place under the sun. Holding hands in and kissing cheeks came close after.

The couple was cuddling on the sofa, watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians, again. Michael was home alone and like always Luke had joined him the second he finished work.

Michael was freshly showered and smelled so good Luke quickly became sleepy on his chest with his boyfriend's hands massaging his scalp.

"Babe you can't fall asleep, it's only one in the afternoon." Michael chuckled.

"You're just so comfortable and I feel safe in your hands so I could literally fall asleep everywhere and anytime if you're there," Luke responded but picked himself up anyway, sitting next to Michael. Needing to feel more contact with his boyfriend he then put his head on the red-haired boy's shoulder and grabbed one of his hands.

Michael was quiet the whole time which Luke found weird but he didn't pry. His phone buzzed and he didn't know why anyone who wasn't Michael would need him on a Sunday afternoon.

He opened the text seeing it was from his boyfriend. The one who was sitting right next to him.

Mikey :-*
I want you to have sex with me.

Luke held his breath not knowing if this was a joke or not. He quickly turned to find Michael's eyes, his beautiful green eyes already staring at him.

"Mikey, is this for real?" He asked softly.

Michael looked kind of scared and Luke didn't know why.

"We don't have to, but I love you and I know you had people in the past who made you uncomfortable with your sexuality." His voice was gentle and his eyes spoke nothing but the truth. "You are the first person I've ever felt an emotional connection with and the first person I've ever felt sexually attracted to."

Michael noticed the blush creeping on Luke's cheeks. He turned his body to him taking his face in his hands. "Hey, it's true. You are amazing. And so hot and sexy and beautiful." Luke tried to hide his embarrassment but he couldn't escape Michael's stare. "And you know that I would never pressure you into anything and I know we have never talked about this, but I am ready. And I'll be ready anytime you'll be ready."

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