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He knew something was wrong the second he stepped into the school. Everybody was looking at him weirdly. Their looks were half judgment and half surprised, he felt vulnerable without Calum by his side.

Luke and Michael still weren't talking, mainly because Luke was being a coward and he was also ashamed.

Calum told Luke that Michael saw him with Benjamin and that made Luke regret everything regarding the hockey player even more. The two were now on a road trip because Michael wasn't feeling that great after Josh outed him to the world on Facebook. Luke felt like he was responsible for that too.

He rushed towards his first class not feeling comfortable under the intense gazes.

In his history class, he received a paper note from his classmate Ashley.

Is it true?

He didn't want to turn back and get any attention from the teacher or his classmates.

Is what true?

You and Benjamin?

Luke was confused but didn't write back. Instead, he texted Benjamin.

Unknown number
What's going on? Why are people asking me about us?

Do I know you?

It's me, Luke.

I have no idea what are you talking about.

Luke had no idea what was going on but he had English with Benjamin the next period so he decided he'll just ask him.

The second he entered the bathroom after his class, there were five hockey players right behind him.

"Is there anything wrong?" He asked quietly as they all stared at him.

One of them, his name was Joel stepped forward. "We thought we made it clear the first time you swayed your gay ass into our school that Benjamin is out of your limit. Plus he isn't even gay." He said in a mocking tone.

Luke stuttered. "But, but I didn't do anything wrong."

"Oh really? Jacob saw you two kissing and he thought the worst has happened and that Benjamin is actually gay but when we asked him about you he said that you practically attacked him." Joel said with disgust.

Now Luke was angry. He knew that he could never change what that boys thought about the situation. Every possible story ended the same in his head. With him beat up.

Even with everything Ashton has taught him in training, he still couldn't go against all five of them.

It was like a sign from heaven when the moment Joel took a step forward janitor's whistles were heard down the hallway. The boys quickly left the room, not wanting to get into trouble.

Luke was scared to leave the bathroom so he locked himself up in one of the stalls and called the only person he knew would pick him up.



Question of the chapter: Who do you ship more: Muke or Muke? :P

Love, Lucija

p.s.: I love feedback. ;)

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