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Luke was chilling in front of the TV being bored on his third day off school.

Calum and Ashton had spent all their time together and Luke was bored out of his mind.

He and Michael were on half speaking terms, normally they were texting about how disgusting 'Cashton' were being. Apparently there were doing a lot more gross activities that Michael had to witness in the gym. Michael and Luke both agreed that the next time they'll see something more than a hug or a peck on the lips happen they'll tell Calum's mother. For now, the treat was working.

Luke changed the channel to his favorite, Keeping Up With The Kardashians. The bell rang and for a second he was hoping someone else would be home that could open the door.

After the bell rang again, he quickly stood up and put a shirt on before opening the door.

Michael's point of view

When Luke opened the door Michael's heart rate was far from normal. He looked so happy seeing him, Michael couldn't help but grin. Somehow they managed to just smile at each other for a minute before the younger of the two finally moved away so Michael could go inside.

At this point, they still didn't say a word to each other and it wasn't even awkward. That's how comfortable they were with each other.

Michael followed Luke to what seemed to be their living room and sat next to him on the couch.

"Hey." Luke finally said with a beautiful smile on his face.

The boxer just smiled back.

"Okay.. I like it when you're happy but this is getting kinda creepy." Luke laughed at his own words.

All Michael could think about is how beautiful he was.

"I was thinking.." I started, realizing again why we were there. "I've never thanked you for standing up for me on Facebook." At that moment his smile disappeared for a second. Michael has never been more humiliated than that day.

"Michael." He interrupted, grabbing his hand spreading a warm feeling through Michael's body. "You've done so much for me." He looked so sincere and beautiful Michael's frown was quickly replaced with a smile again. "I'm sorry for dragging you at that party and I'm sorry for everything that had happened to you because of it."

He couldn't listen to Luke taking the blame for helping him.

"Luke, Luke.." Michael tried to interrupt.

"No I have to say it, don't forgive me this because you can't."

Michael had to literally place his hand over Luke's mouth to keep him quiet. He also tightened the grip of his other hand that was intertwined with Luke's.

"Luke shut up. You did everything perfectly. I didn't get the chance to tell you but.." He took a deep breath. "I've realized everything I needed to know about my sexuality."

Luke's eyes widened and Michael removed his hand.

"Mikey." He grinned. "Why didn't you tell me? Oh my god, that's so exciting." He jumped up and down on the sofa and Michael had to laugh as well at how adorable he was.

"But I need you to still be friends with me after this."

He nodded enthusiastically and stared at Michael's face, waiting for him to talk.

Luke's beautiful blue eyes found Michael's and he took his other hand and placed them both on his lap. Michael knew he would never rush him and it only made him like him more.

"I'm demisexual." Michael blurted out.

His eyes widened but Luke stayed quiet waiting for him to continue.

"And I'm in love.." He looked hurt for a second so he just said it.

"..with you Luke Hemmings. I am hopelessly in love with you, probably since the day I've saved you."

Next time Michael looked at him, Luke's face was centimeters away from his and Luke's eyes were closed. A second later his lips were on mine and for the first time in his life, Michael felt complete adoration and... love. That's the first time he felt a romantic connection.

When they broke the kiss after a minute or two, they were both grinning.

"I like you too if I wasn't clear enough." Luke laughed and he was so beautiful.

"You're beautiful." Michael blurted out. He was never very spontaneous but he could see everything changing with Luke. He then remembered that one time that he was spontaneous.

"I'm sorry," Michael said and dunk his head to Luke's shoulder. Luke smelled amazing.

Luke pushed him away lightly. "Why are you sorry for?" He asked concerned.

"For asking you to have sex with me."

Luke laughed. Full on laughed with his eyes shut close and his head thrown back.

"You're amazing." He said after taking Michael's head in his hands and kissing him again.

Michael felt complete.


This is it. I hope you enjoyed this story. Thank you for all the reads and voting and leaving comments. :))

There will be two epilogues following this in a week and there will be smut like I've promised.

Question of the chapter: Describe this book in one word.

Lovex100, Lucija

also you can follow/find me:
twitter, ao3snapchat, instagram, tumblr: wastedheartmuke

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