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Michael showered and exited the gym.

He wouldn't admit it out loud but he enjoyed the week off school. Well, he would admit it to Calum, Ashton and loads of other people who weren't his mother.

Don't get him wrong. He didn't love school but Michael knew that boxing may not work out for him as a career so he was thinking about the university as well.

But free week meant a lot more gym time. And he loved being in the gym.

While driving from the parking he saw Luke has read his last text. He stopped at McDonald's on his way. It wasn't his cheat day but Michael didn't know what Luke liked and everyone likes McDonald's. It was better than hospital food.

Michael liked Luke. At first, he wasn't sure what to expect since Calum gave him Luke's number beside the fact he was gay. He seemed cool but Michael felt sorry for him.

Luke was gay and proud and all he got was hate. Michael hated bullies in general but he made a promise to himself that Luke will get more respect in school. He deserves it.

Michael knew his life was easy compared to Luke's. He had a great relationship with his parents, he had boxing and good friends. Even though most times he preferred to be left alone, Calum and Ashton were always there to talk to. The only thing that bothered him was his sexuality. Michael didn't enjoy not knowing who and what he liked.

He hoped Luke could help with that.

Ashton was bisexual but he knew Michael all his life and neither of them wanted to experiment with each other. Calum wasn't an option either, the boy was weird, liking almost everything and everyone but just not Michael's type he guessed.

Luke was beautiful. Blue eyes, blond hair and his smile was amazing. Texting with him made Michael happy. It was so easy to talk to him. But right now Michael made it his mission to become friends with him so Luke would then help him.

Asking Luke to sleep with him wasn't the best start but Michael sucked at flirting. That one girl he almost slept with was only trying to make her ex jealous. Michael just got lucky.

With McDonald's bag in his hand, he walked through the hospital door and after asking for directions he went to the elevator. He fixed his hair and shirt and pressed the button to the floor Luke was on.


you can thank flawlesslrh for the lack of updates bc she's being mean to me and doesn't want to update

- 2018: Gal, I miss you, come back to me, pls -

Love, Lucija

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